Victoria Australia, the FDS does not exist (eliciting gasps from the observers).

by confusedandalone 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    They only claim to be the FDS when all 8 meet together. So you would have to put all 8 in the Dock at once, if there is room !

    Interestingly, they made the above claim after the argument in the Aussie Court was presented, which was strange, because as you rightly say, that being in print makes it easier to indict them .

    Do I think we will ever see them in Court ? About as likely as putting even a retired Pope (Ratzinger) in the Dock.

  • oppostate

    Two years ago when this first showed up.

    There was a call in to Brooklyn, it was taped.

    They acklowledged everything said at the trial.

    At that time the only description of the FDS in

    print was that it was the 144000 and the GB

    was only it's representative.

    The recording was put online and a link was

    posted here. Steven Unthank told the truth

    about what went on in court and the recording

    of the call to Brooklyn's Legal Dept. proves it.


    It would be one heckuva coincidence for that statement to be made and then for the nu-light to be released about the GB/FDS. I would love to hear that recording. I can't believe it or share it with anyone, like my family, until I have evidence. I can't afford to be an opposer who makes things up.


  • umbertoecho

    I have the transcript on my computer concerning this investigation/ Royal Commission into child abuse. I know that there was a legitimate issue raised by many including Steven Uthank regarding the "Working with Children" card that is required of any adult working in association with any child. The witnesses tried to sleaze their way around this issue, claiming much b##^sht ignorance of this law. If you want this document you are welcome to it.

  • umbertoecho

    Also that bit about denying this FDS as a corporeal body of people is true. The wt lawyer is a creepy man and is proud of being able to twist anything. He said as much in an interview.


    I would love to read that Lawyer's own words about the FDS if they are available. Send me a PM or post the link on this thread.


  • leaving_quietly

    I, too, would like the transcript and/or recording. Please PM me.

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