Are Men's Rights Laughable?

by Paralipomenon 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Yes I've often wondered about the commercial, TV sitcoms, where the wife is so bright and together and the man is a total jerk. He cannot function without his wife. Why don't you start there? This stereotype is much more discriminatory than what a creep like Woody Allen went through many years ago. Allen received his consolation prize: Soon Yi. Please, I was a huge fan.

    It remains a man's world. Women have accomplished little for all the years of feminism. When I look back at the issues that were being addressed when I was in law school decades ago, all still remain.

  • Badfish

    What do you think, are there challenges facing men towards equality?

    How about the family law court system?

    By default, women automatically get custody of the kids. Men have to hire lawyers and fight for their right to even see their children. Then when they go to court, if they are allowed to see their children at all, the mothers are almost always awarded the majority of the time with the children. On top of that, the men are ordered to pay ridiculous amounts in child support, separate from the alimony they also have to pay, most of which is spent on her shoe collection rather than the children.

    If it was really about providing children with the most money and security (since child support is based on income and income is usually imputed to be higher than it actually is), then primary custody would be awarded to the parent who makes the most money.

    Instead, it all comes down to gender discrimination against men.

  • doofdaddy

    My neighbour was fighting for custody of his son. It cost a small fortune but it was close to happening after numerous years. His ex seeing the coming court decision suddenly claimed that he had sexually abused their boy. He now is fighting for ACCESS! Last time I saw him he reckond his legal team said that the accusation is legally baseless and they will easily over turn this but he is broken as he hasn't even seen his boy in months. Oh and after his ex throwing the pedo acusation around, there is no doubt some of the shit will stick....

  • Band on the Run
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    IiT is absolutely false that women automatically get custody. Women never had a right to custody. The law decided that a tender year doctrine would be a good idea. From childbirth to about kindergarten, a child could temporarily reside with its mother b/c judges decided that the child was not doing much in the world. Once the child reached early school age, the father resumed total control. The father decided on education, governess, etc. Women were viewed incapable of raising their children. With the focus on the Equal Protection Clause, the courts adopted a functional approach.

    Most women are more hands-on than men. They know items that will impress a judge, such as name of playmates, teachers' names, and pet names. If a man parented more than the wife, the man should be awarded custody. I had law profs in tears b/c they could not afford to stay home the way the new wife could. It is so sad that children must be awarded to one party. Divorce is sad.

  • Badfish

    IiT is absolutely false that women automatically get custody. Women never had a right to custody. The law decided that a tender year doctrine would be a good idea. From childbirth to about kindergarten, a child could temporarily reside with its mother b/c judges decided that the child was not doing much in the world. Once the child reached early school age, the father resumed total control. The father decided on education, governess, etc. Women were viewed incapable of raising their children. With the focus on the Equal Protection Clause, the courts adopted a functional approach.

    Err... What country do you live in? If the United States, you must be talking pre-1960s. The feminist movement changed everything in family law to where now fathers are treated as second class citizens. Nowadays, men are completely discriminated against in family court based solely upon their gender.

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, women DO automatically get custody no matter how old the children are.

  • LisaRose

    My husband got custody of his son and raised him from the age of six, it is possible It's more usual that women get custody, but I believe in many cases that is a mutual decision. I think fathers do have a tougher case, especially if they want sole custody. Of course there are cases where loving fathers get treated poorly and loose custody through no fault of their own. The family courts do the best job they can, under the circumstances, but in a contentious divorce there are no winners, IMO, especially for the children.

    According to the leadership counsel on child abuse, 85-90% of couples choose their own custody arrangements. Women typically get it because they are the primary care givers. Of men who seek custody, 70% are able to get it.

  • humbled

    There is a lot of bad stuff on both sides. Men often do have a hard time getting the rights coming to them.

    It makes me tired to remember all the bad stuff that happens in the man/woman world that I know among family, friends and co-workers.

    Three years back I learned of a false rape accusation made on young man. I learned what happened in some detail because I knew him. His sister dug deep in her savings to pay for a good criminal lawyer --but it shattered him.

    The police detective dug into the matter and determined that his story panned out--and the accuser's ex-husband said she had done the same thing years before--cried rape when she was caught with a strange man in bed while married. Turns out she had repeated the act when her boy-friend accused her of "dating" on the side--she called "rape" again on that young man.

    The young man escaped prison but ended up in therapy. the lawyer told him he was fortunate. He would have been tagged as a sexual preditor for life.

    I knew a professional man whose mentally ill ex-girlfriend tracked him down and threw some movie tapes at him, shattering his glasses and cutting his face. He called the police saying she had attacked him (not the usual scenario, right?). She claimed the opposite. He said "I've got blood on my face" and said that he only hoped for one thing--" One of us needs to go to jail--and I do not care which of us it is."

    They thought for a minute--and took her.

    I know many stories like this--not from reading the papers, either. Men who cannot get custody of children who are harmed by mom's new man, mommy's drug habit. Of the four cases I know myself, one young man finally got custody of a child he had "accidentally" with a woman when they both were teens. He struggled for visits. Worried about the drugs in the baby momma's life and finally won custody when the momma got busted for drugs. The girl is fine and 12 years old now.

    But of course,men do bad stuff, too. Molestaters and abusers among them. Some one I knew years back cried on the phone to me--she wouldn't call it rape because she knew the fellow and they both had been drinking---but she had never been "with" a man before. She felt like a slut.

    Three weeks later she missed her period.

    The guy was an ass about everything.

    Little girls and little boys with no justice, no help.

    I wish people would JUST BE FAIR! be good to each other. No prejudice against women or prejudice against men. Make fair laws and apply law fairly---no matter if the accused or the accuser has no money.

    Not everyone has a big sister wih deep pockets to hire "justice".

    I almost skipped this thread. It is so rotten what people do to each other.

    Take care, Paralip

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    My husband has lost his son thanks to a vindictive ex-wife who accused him of physical abuse, which never happened, and even the judge didn't buy into it (she made stories up right in front of the judge and within half an hour she added so much BS to it that he said something like "sorry m'am, but don't you find that hard to believe yourself? Your stories get extremer by the minute"). But even though the court was on the side of my husband, he never got to see his son again for nearly nine years now. His ex did the exact same thing with the daughters from her previous marriage. Took them away from their father for eight years and made one of them accuse her father for sexual abuse. Which of course also never happened and she knew it. Some women just get plain evil when they are jealous or angry with an ex-husband... especially when the ex-husband moves on with another woman.

  • stillin

    In my state there has been a law passed in which, if the police are responding to a domestic disturbance call, somebody is definitely going to be arrested and put in jail, at least for the night. My wife (who hit me with a broomstick just yesterday) knows which way the wind blows and holds this card like a royal flush. I have considered pre-emptively making such a call myself, just to document how things are in my household.

    About 3 years ago, right before this law was passed, my wife had whipped herself up into such a frenzy that she called the police. Thank goodness the guys could see what was going on (bipolar episode) and asked me if I had a friend whose house I could go to and spend the night, which I did.

    One of these days she will make the call. I will end up in jail, since I am the only one generating income it will be expensive for ME, there will be a restraining order so that I will not be allowed to go to MY house, and, you know what? that will be the last straw. I will walk away, she will have won the war. Why? Because despite the long pattern of abuse that she has established, she is the weaker (physically) person and the laws protect people from big bad other people.

    I don't need the police when she hits me with a broomstick. I can take the broomstick away from her. But the laws are stacked against me. Even if I do one day decide to call the police, I'm the one who will be paying her legal fees!

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