Ouch, that sounds like a horrible situation you're in, Stillin... so sorry for you And as a witch I might add: why the heck is she abusing a broomstick???
Are Men's Rights Laughable?
by Paralipomenon 39 Replies latest jw friends
About time these things were aired.
When I was a young ill at ease not 'out' gay man in a predominantly female run industry I had baying women on two occasions try to remove my trousers & underwear.
I found these women terrifying.
Apparently I was supposed to be 'game' & up for it just because I was male.
Now imagine, & rightly so, the uproar if it were men attempting to remove the clothing of a young girl in the workplace.......
Now imagine, & rightly so, the uproar if it were men attempting to remove the clothing of a young girl in the workplace.......
I would hope that she (the young girl) would report the attempted assault to the proper authorities.
Did you?
Men often are ashamed to report aggressions made on them by women.
Band on the Run
I practice law in the United States. In order to understand the present system which is more 1980 than 1960, one has to know the common law doctrine.Women do not automatically get custody! Family law has never been my thing. I find it depressing. Feminism has been an interest of mine. I heard this from several women lawyers and I also read about in several law journals. It would be unconst'n for women to automatically get custody.
Most women will pass a functional test of parenting over most men. It has nothing to do with gender. As I said, many professional women were losing custody to executive husbands who could afford stay at home wives.
C'mon guys role reversal may not be so bad, as this pik illustrates:
High-heeled woman carries boyfriend across rainy street 女子穿高跟鞋背男友过积水 183605
A woman who carried her boyfriend piggyback across a street in the rain while wearing high heels in Xiamen, East China's Xiamen on February 9 has got netizens kicking up a storm online.
The unknown woman said she carried her man so that his shoes would not get wet in the rain, the Xiamen-based Haixi Morning Post reported.Try it out on your little woman in your next rainstorm
Reference: http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/842264.shtml#.Uv5-e_mSx8E
Women do not automatically get custody!
Women DO automatically get sole custody of children in all 50 US states when the parents are not married. Men have to fight a legal battle in court if they want to be allowed to even see their children and establish any parental rights.
Most women will pass a functional test of parenting over most men. It has nothing to do with gender.
That is a very gender-biased statement. It has EVERYTHING to do with gender.
Let's say an unmarried couple has a 16 year old boy. They suddenly break up, and the mother takes the 16 year old boy with her. The 16 year old boy wants to see his father, but the mother forbids it. The mother has every legal right to do this because she retains sole custody according to the law. But what is the sole basis for her having full parental rights and the father to have absolutely no legal rights to his child? GENDER.
Band on the Run
Women do not automatically get cusody. A Google search of "child custody" should reveal the answer. There are const'l arguments. The judge decides which spouse serves "the best interest of the child." Since women typically perform far more parenting duties than men, woman may be awarded custody more frequently. It is hardly automatic.
I will not repeat my point one more time. If you want to believe something that does not happen, you are free to do so.
Women do not automatically get cusody.
Unmarried Mother's Primary Right To Custody
The unmarried mother is presumed to have the primary or natural right to custody of children born when she is not married. Therefore, she has the legal right to custody, care, and control over the child and her rights are superior to those of the father or any other person.Source: http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/child-custody-between-unmarried-parents.html
I will not repeat my point one more time. If you want to believe something that does not happen, you are free to do so.
There is no need to repeat your point since it is false.