I agree that it is ambiguous. Just like, " Will this be are last Memorial?" LOL!! Whatever they do, the will NOT allow anyone outside of World Headquarters to have any input. That will never happen. In truth, they can do whatever they want, print whatever they want, change whatever they want. It's a cult, remember?
They can wait five years and say that the GB are appointed over the "belongings" after all! Then that would be "The Truth" that all dubs must preach. Now all Christians are domestics. So what? What has really changed? Nothing. That was a fake promotion, a title without a raise. It's a typical corporate tactic, NOTHING has changed.
After thinking about it, they could say that the 144,000 is symbolic in some sense. They don't even have to really explain it yet. If I was the mythical GB/FDS, here is what I would do.
1) Announce the symbolic nature of the 144,000. Make sure to hype it up, like the "ten toes." Then explain nothing, like the "ten toes." Just plant the idea that the Great 8 know something...
2) Wait. The more oldsters that die, the better. I don't know about your DC, but we are running out of room in the Elderly and infirm section. The oldtimers are dropping right and left. Many are in the 80's and 90's. In another 5-10 years they will go the way of the Dodo bird. In the meantime, the uneducated 3rd world numbers are growing.
3) Unleash the blinding nu-light at an AGM! It's like Jesus himself is speaking! The glow from Splane's head is like the Shekinah, filling the house with glory!! Announce that the 144,000 is a symbolic number. It symbolizes the unknown, but complete number of those with the heavenly hope. Who are they? Only Jehovah knows, and his spirit bears witness with thier spirit. Here is the tricky part...
4) Admit that the Disciples were partaking BEFORE Holy Spirit was poured out upon them at the meeting of Pentacost 33 ce. Say that the New covenant and the Kingdom covenant are different. Then say that all JWs should partake. Jehovah will worry about the rest. Also, slightly increase the "Jesus factor" since this is a major point of contention with outsiders and possible converts. Think how great this would look on JW.ORG..
The benefits for the WTBTS are as follows:
1) Mystical manipulation factor increases.
2) The facade of being "progressive" is reinforced!
3) Morale boosted like NEVER before in history!
4) Memorial attendance skyrockets!!
5) Donations increase! $$$$$
They gain everything, but lose nothing. They can still use the same old thought-stopping phrases like, "genuine anointed" and "true Christian." Then can still label and control the flock with terms like, "false disciple" and "apostate." The GB doesn't have to share power with anyone. They can quite simply get rid of anyone they want, especially any partaker who doesn't agree with them. Since they are still the FDS, and have just reinforced thier awesomeness, this is the perfect time to clean house!
Any who partake and have problems with the ORG will fade away, or be df'd under the blanket of "brazen conduct." What is "brazen conduct?" Why, disagreeing with the GB or the Elders, of course! The WTBTS inc. could eliminate dissenters quite easily with this method, and they lose nothing. In fact, with the increase of the spirit-directed awesomeness of the GB, the sheeple will trust them even more! So any who leave or get df'd must have deserved it! After all, in thier new timeline, the righteous ones will shine like the sun. There will be a clear demarcation between those who follow the Organization and the "weeds." So in review:
The Pro's:
1) Trust in the GB/FDS increases.
2) Trust in the spirit-directed/progressive Organization increases.
3) Memorial attendance increases and seem less cultish and more Jesus oriented.
4) Increased attendance/ partaking with a good "Jesus" feeling = more members! More members = more $$$.
5) The sheeple WILL OBEY without question. There may be a couple sheep who pause and look up, wondering what that bright round thingy in the sky is, but they will be few and far between. They will go back to munching on the regurgitated nonsense of the WT magazine.
6) Control is still maintained. In fact, it's easier! ONLY "false disciples" would oppose such a loving adjustment of truth this late in the game! Who else but Satan and his human cohorts would oppose the partaking of the bread and wine! [ Never mind that the WT did it for so long...] Those who play ball can stay. Those who rush ahead of the chariot get the axe of "brazen conduct" and will seemingly deserve it. The WTBTS buys themselves decades and business as usual carries on, probably better than ever.
1) If GOD is watching. The WTBTS will seal thier fate by this diabolical, yet brilliant move. Otherwise, there is no downside.