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Jehovah is the correct uttering of God's name
by mistified 39 Replies latest jw friends
Jon Preston
Hey what year was that breast plate withb"Ieova" incribed on it from? I remember seeing it in the Bible teach book..
This is a..............................drum roll....................................
Non sequitur
LQ: "Why, then, does this translation [NWT] use the form "Jehovah"? Because that form of the divine name has a long history in the English language."
considering how WT unashamedly has condemned other religions, especially Catholicism, for holding traditions as of greater importance over Biblical accuracy and truth, it is truly ironic (and hypocritical) that WT uses the name "Jehovah" over YHWH on the basis of...wait for it... TRADITION.
kettle meet pot
They might argue that they use the other anglicised forms for the same reason, "Jesus" among them.
But it is a poor argument at best. Surely the name of Almighty God (if there were such a thing) deserves reverence and respectfully pronouncing it,
as he gave it ?
If it cannot be established beyond doubt how he gave the Name to Moses et al, then surely this shows that He does not want it uttered ?
Have the GB actually asked Jehovah/Yehovah/Yahweh about this ? Of course, Jesus would know, but they don't talk to him, or barely recognise him.
zed is dead
We are wrong about the pronunciation of all the names in the Bible; therefore it is proof we are the true religion.
What is wrong with that statement?
zed is dead
The true street name is Jahizzle Wizzels.
I like Terry's example of Elvis Presly and is in line with what I have come to be satisfied with.
I've imagined a conversation between God and Moses. In my English mind, I think of Moses in the same manner I think of your run-of-the mill, old-aged prospector during the gold rush.
It goes something like this:
YHWH: Moses, you should know that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob didn't know my real name.
Mosheh: Really? What is is LORD?
YHWH: Jehovah
Mosheh: What's that you say? I can't hear so good (Moses was not a fluent speaker of his language and meant "well")
YHWH: I said Jehovah
Mosheh: I thought you said that! I can't speak that, that Godly language is not able to be written down with The Alphabet
YHWH: But I'm telling you...
Mosheh: I ain't gone do any good. No sir. Now I might be able to twist and speak in your other toungue and I'm not even learn-ed.
Mosheh: You know what would happen if I told them down there that your real name is something they can't pronounce?
YHWH: I see what you mean
Mosheh: So I'm going to write it down like this here, see? It's close to what it sounds like.
YHWH: Ok, that is close. But you really should try and incorporate other sounds into Your Alphabet Moses
Mosheh: Sure thing!. What is that langueage that has the J sound anyway?
YHWH: My favorite, English. I am going away now Moes, you take care to do my commands now! I'm having Dessert. Jello
Mosheh: Yello?
For a religion that advocates gaining accurate knowledge and yet is critical of Christendom's traditions, it is odd the Governing Body still clings to the modern English words of Jehovah and Jesus.
Scholars know names should be transliterated (by sounds as close as possible). The Israeli Hebrew language was revivied in the late 1800s, which later prompted the Sacred name movement in the 1930s. Despite all this, Rutherford still opted for the established and conventional words of Jehovah and Jesus as names in 1935.
As commented above, the Father's name has to be derived from YHWY, the main letters from His Paleo Hebrew name. Similarly the Son from YHWSA.
Instead of changing the name as the language changes (as in through Greek, the Latin v having a u sound, the added j sound, and a Germanic w) the pursuit of accurate knowledge should prompt going to the source.
In my research the Father's name is best spelled/pronounced from Yahuah. His Son as Yahusha.
This also applies to other names, as in Mosheh (above), and many others . . . but one step (or sets of names) at a time.
Thus being in "The Truth" (c JWorg) yet using inaccruate names is a contradition in these last days of increasing knowledge.
Band on the Run
This reminds me of the cross vs. torture stake idiocy. It does not matter. Was Jesus God? Did he die? Was he resurrected? Will He come again? Did Jesus wear a size 8 sandal? Who cares?