I know for me it was soon after lurking here for awhile and reading some threads on the issue. I remenber when I tore it into little tiny pieces. It felt so liberating.
At what point did you destroy your Blood card?
by BU2B 39 Replies latest jw friends
So long ago that I don't remember if I had one. I must have, but I was 15 when i left and I am nearly 50 now! Youch!!!! I remember wondering if my dad would rescue me (I think I was pretty sure that push come to shove, he would stick up for me).
I think that is one of the most twisted unneccessary teachings I have ever seen in a cult. Just sayin'.
Blackbird Fly
I havent carried one in about 10 years. But it was just this year that I removed the 'no blood' clause from my childs school emergency info.
After 22 years, mine went on the wood burning stove about a month ago.
It felt like another step had been taken on the road to freedom.
I left the JWs in 1984 and forgot that I still carried the "no blood card" in my wallet. I think it was a couple of years later when I got a new wallet that I found that card. Fortunately I didn't have any medical emergencies during that time. Anyway I burned the card.
3-4 years after leaving.
finally awake
I carried it for a while after I left, but I had marked it up as "Void" and thoroughy defaced the elder's contact information who was the secondary POA. I thre it away probably about a year after i left, when I finally felt I was completely off the local dubs' radar.
Gypsy Sam
It wasn't a conscious decision, but after the blood fractions article, I think they changed the wording on the card and I didn't sign a new one.
Talk about "food in due season!" I still have one in my wallet from 10 years ago and I have been wondering the same thing! I will honor my wife's wishes if it ever comes down to it but my "document" is probably worthless from a legal standpoint. I figure that my wife would figure that if I didn't care enough to keep it up to date, then why should she put up a fight?
They took mine away when I got df'd. Isn't that the usual process?