@ Bobcat
I saved the PDF on my computer on the 21th October 2013 and it is the same then your posted PDF-Version.
So they must have done this change very early. Very strange.
by Bobcat 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
@ Bobcat
I saved the PDF on my computer on the 21th October 2013 and it is the same then your posted PDF-Version.
So they must have done this change very early. Very strange.
The Society changed the wording in the PDF version to exclude mentioning assisting with Kingdom Halls and relief work since it is the Society that is promomting the building of new Kingdom Halls.
With their building program in New York state, they need all the volunteers they can get, no matter how much the publishers are away from their families.
That sounds like a good possibility (re the NY building project). 'Never let sound principles get in the way of what you want.'
I wonder if someone knows the standard lead times for the printed version? Or how far ahead is an article written up? Sounds like the change could have happened shortly after the printing. Maybe someone higher up (the GB?) saw this in the printed version (maybe they didn't review it like they say or just skimmed over it) and after reading it, saw the possible impact on the Warwick project.
The later amended version is less overtly specific about those who volunteer their time and resources on kingdom hall and other related building programs. It's less restrictive. A no-brainer: Give all the time helping in these programs; we'll worry about your spirituality later. Subtle.
They are also implementing a new program. They read a letter at the Service Meeting about having "full-time" positions for RBC projects. Perhaps it's related? We know that "spirituality" means doing what the GB want. Doing what the GB wants involves the real estate market. Creating a full-time position involving real estate, and choosing only "spiritually mature" and skilled brothers makes some sense.
There will be Elders excused from the normal daily grind of the WTBTS treadmill of "spiritual" activities. These will focus on real estate, full-time. Perhaps they are trying to mitigate the obvious problems that arrise in famlies when the husband is "pouring himself out" for the local KH and the RBC simultaneously? Burnout is a common problem, and the WTBTS admits that they are desperate for help, especially skilled labor.
Whatever they profess about " Kingdom Interests", they must continue to flip real estate. Therefore concessions must be made. Like the dissolution of the home Book Study, this change is not taking place out of concern for "spiritual" things. Those quotes above seem to be altered because the last thing they want to do, is to paint the picture that slaving for the RBC and WTBTS is somehow related to the many family problems caused by Elders and Brothers never being with thier families. They want to distance "Kingdom Interests" from " being disqualified", and from the phrase, " what could call that into question?"
Bob_NC nailed it. The WTBTS themselves are responsible for the condition things are in. Admitting that is not an option. Sadly, there are many spiritually unqualified men in positions of oversight by necessity. There simply isn't enough help to keep the real estate machine running. With the new full-time RBC positions made available, the Organization looks progressive. They don't need WT articles casting any negative light on their bread and butter.
Who would be more likely to read each version?
Maybe it is a way to say something different to the non-JWs than to those already part of the borg?
Or maybe it is someone in Bethel trying to help people wake up....
This opens the possibility that they weigh input or feedback after the magazine is printed
You'd think Holy Spirit would let WT know ahead of time and print it correctly in the first place....
Apparently HS needs human feedback after it acts, then amends itself according to human preferences.
"in behalf of" used to be "on behalf of."
Could this be a small, scarcely noticed change on which an empire might rise or fall?
Another interesting thing about the change is that it puts the changed council a bit out of sync with what the article is talking about. The article is about sacrifices involved with true worship and how impropriety would negate the worshipers efforts, not about any old "giving of our time and resources in behalf of others . . ."
And thanks, Co Co, for taking a look.
Take Care