In the english "Simplified Edition" - there are no differences in par. 16 between print and pdf.
In the spanish "Simplified Edition" - there are also no differences in par. 16 between print and pdf.
Curious change in December 15 Study Article
by Bobcat 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is a constant tension at Bethel between the construction departments (who think its ok to skip meetings, service, etc to get up early and build buildings) and the more established Home and Office departments who stick to a regimented Bethel program. The construction guys are always making sure that their position is protected to they dont have to interrupt their work for service, etc.
I see this as someone at a high level placing a phone call- "WTF!! Do you want us to stop building branches and KHs??"
The conductor today had an iPad while the reader read from a printed copy. The conductor was kind of irritated when he saw his was different and mouthed "that's not in here" to another elder in his seat also using an iPad. That elder went and got a printed copy and began comparing the two. Nothing was said of it and that was the extent of what happened when they discovered it.
This is an organization that, when push comes to shove, prioritizes quantity over quality - despite its protestations about valuing sacred worship.
I can agree that the quick build construction is a good place to teach the young ones some skills but I don't get where this is some sort of service that jehovah has to approve of , do not neglect you family of course is the most important thing , I don't see anywhere in the NT that christians went and bought land to build churches on , instead they sold all their property , if they had anything more than they needed for a day they were considered greedy and bad association , just how this thing turns into what the WTBTS made it into is not in the bible .
The Australian printed version reads the same as the pdf.
I suggest that it simply a mistake. Every publicaction will have numerous edits before a final draft is approved. The differences between the print and the PDF are really not significant. It looks to me that one of the two was nothing more than a previous draft.
So much for the Holy Spirit guiding matters and "oneness of mind." GOD makes the weather less humid for the WTBTS, so they can get the "Silver Sword" completed while simultaneously ignoring starving children and Typhoons earthwide. The least the WTBTS editors could do, is keep thier articles straight. Does God have to do everything around here!!
Island Man
We must keep in mind too that the study edition was created only for JWs as it tends to contain more extreme statements that would only be palatable to indoctrinated JW minds. With this in mind, note that the online study editions are avialable to JWs and non-JWs alike. So do you think the organization could possibly have a motive for doctoring the online version of the study articles that are accessible to non-indoctrinated members of the public? Just a thought.
Barrold Bonds
dropoffyourkeylee: It was absolutely not a mistake. The magazines are all prepared electronically now so when they release the final copy for printing, the PDF/epub versions are made at the same time with little more than a click of a button. It was clearly revised after thte fact.
The WTBS said recently that the digital versions on the site are going to be 'up to date' and changed as they see fit.