by MarchOn 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    Plm, How much of a devoted dub could she be if she is scouting a "worldly" husband. She sounds off her rocker to me!!!

    IMBUE don't you think thats a retorical question OF COURSE SHES OFF HER ROCKER!!! She is also ONE OF THOSE who has her house all picked out and ready to move into it just as soon as armegeddon comes and Jehovah Kills the people who are living in it now.
    Yeah Id say she is AT LEAST off her rocker.
    Thats why I can't STAND a LOT of them anymore.

  • Imbue


    I know many here have said they know persons that think about picking out their houses for after Armageddon. I have never heard anyone say such a thing. I have only heard preached from Isaiah that we would each build our own houses and have occupancy. (Isaiah 65:21) As for me, I never thought the things in this world would exist after Armageddon.

    Truly those raised in JW have more difficulty learning new doctrine. Would that surprise you? It doesn't mean you are wrong it just means that the JWs are not as unified as they would like to think.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • Prisca
    I know many here have said they know persons that think about picking out their houses for after Armageddon. I have never heard anyone say such a thing.

    Imbue, in my cong we used to talk about picking out houses to live in Armageddon. It was always the fancy ones that we would never be able to afford in this life.

    Truly those raised in JW have more difficulty learning new doctrine. Would that surprise you?
    That is an interesting point. I think it would be more accurate to say it got harder to keep up with new doctrines when your grandparents were taught one thing, then your parents were taught another, and then you are taught something else completely different. It would get confusing, and often local elders could not keep up with changes.
  • plmkrzy

    OH for crying out loud ROTFLMAO nice try. sweetie. better luck next time, hahahahahahahahahaha.

  • borgfree

    I think plmkrzy is referring to 1Corinthians 7:12-16 and especially verse 16 which reads:

    "For, wife, how do you know but that you will save [your] husband? Or, husband, how do you know but that you will save [your] wife?" NWT

    That scripture was used a lot to encourage a witness with an unbelieving mate. We were also told, that the unbelieving mate "may" be "saved" by the loyality of the believing mate.


    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

  • plmkrzy

    Thank You Borgfree That is the premadonna scripture that was so often refered to. I remember clearly when being preached at, being told that the very fate of our unbelieving mates could very well depend on how spiritually strong "we" remaind. OH the guilt. Not only would we be risking our own lives but our poor unbelieving mates wouldn't stand a chance if WE fell short.

  • Imbue

    My point is that THEIR DOCTRINE CHANGES...surprise..surprise! As Prisca said, if the docrine changes from each generation to the next it becomes more difficult to make the transformation.

    PLM, Like I said it doesn't mean either of us are wrong it just means that the JWs aren't as unified as they would like to think.

    Hahah well, I know a sister who is married to a double life JW. She can't prove anything and he is a wife beater. Yes, she has been through a lot. When she was asked "how would you deal with it; if you have to spend forever with your current husband?" Her relpy was, "Jehovah wouldn't do that to me!"...LOL

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • plmkrzy


  • CheGuevara

    O.k. I will answer this easy questions, here we go:

    1. Are you allowed as JWS to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?
    It's not a LAW, but the Society has not said that it's a conscience matter either. They HAVE given counsel as to the wisdom of avoiding dangerous sites in the internet. This forum would qualify as a dangerous sites for JWs.

    2.Do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?
    No way. That would encourage them to visit the forum and I don't want to a cause of stumbling.

    3.Do you count your time preaching on this board as service hours and if so, do you let them know where those hours came from? And do you count reading what other people post as service time too?
    Nope, I count the time that I spend teaching someone about the Bible. I am not teaching anyone here, so I don't count the time.

    4.Do you feel this is a good place to get your spiritual food and that coming here is bringing you closer to Jehovah and his organization?

    Nope, actually it drives me crazy with all the different beliefs and posts. Everybody here has an opinion and boy do they let you hear it! LOL. I come here because I stumbled into the site and I can't shake the habit.

    5.Do you think that you may plant something in someones head that will change their mind about the organization, perhaps something they have not heard a billion times before when they were in the organization?

    6.Have you ever considered that if the people here wanted to hear what you have to say, ummm they would ask one of you? You know, "don't call me, I'll call you". Trust me when I tell you, we could all find a JW pretty much anytime, whether we want to or not.
    Good point, but if you are able to find a JW pretty much anytime, why is that? Oh that's right, because JWs are preaching the good news all over the place. Duh!

    7.Last but not least,have any of you tossed around the idea that you just might be brain washed?
    I've toss around the idea and I've come to the conclusion that I have been brainwashed. I was brainwashed early on to love computers and play with them, now I'm hooked. I was brainwashed into thinking like my family does, damn I catch myself thinking just like my dad did. Oh the horror! I know, I know, you meant religion wise. Sure I was brainwashed. Brainwashed into avoiding drugs, useless associations, following God's commandments about fornication. Oh I was also brainwashed into being a good citizen, loving my neighbor, loving Jehovah, following Christs steps. Damn those Witnesses!
  • troubled

    1. Are you allowed as JWS to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?

    Depends on who your authority is. The GB says to avoid it, but the Scriptures say to be ready to defend your faith before those who demand a reason for the hope in you. And to be like the Boreans. So I come here sometimes.

    2.Do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?

    I've told one sister and we've discussed several issues from the site.

    3.Do you count your time preaching on this board as service hours and if so, do you let them know where those hours came from? And do you count reading what other people post as service time too?

    I never count time on this board, either reading or posting.

    4.Do you feel this is a good place to get your spiritual food and that coming here is bringing you closer to Jehovah and his organization?

    Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends what I read. If I read something, research its validity, weigh it against scripture, etc., and become more convinced to stay close to Jehovah and defend the faith, then Yes, it does build up my faith. If what I read points to valid problems in the organization, then No. But despite the trouble areas in the organization, I have not been convinced me that leaving is the wise or desirable course for me to take.

    5.Do you think that you may plant something in someones head that will change their mind about the organization, perhaps something they have not heard a billion times before when they were in the organization?

    Hard to say. My experience has been that you can't change anyone's mind unless they are open to it. If anything I said affected anyone to want to return, it would probably be because, deep down, they were already considering it. But for someone who is staunchly opposed to it, no what I say probably would have little or no affect.

    6.Have you ever considered that if the people here wanted to hear what you have to say, ummm they would ask one of you? You know, "don't call me, I'll call you". Trust me when I tell you, we could all find a JW pretty much anytime, whether we want to or not.

    Well, ummmmm, YOU DID ASK. I'm responding to your questions, remember?

    7.Last but not least,have any of you tossed around the idea that you just might be brain washed?

    Sure. And I'm not afraid to investigate that subject. But it is true that we are all influenced by who we spend alot of time around. I learned it in a Sociology class I took.

    For example, if a group of pro-feminist women get together to discuss feminist issues, they generally come out of the discussion even more fully entrenched as pro-feminists.

    Apply that information to you and I, it tells us that the more JWs spend time with other JWs discussing JW-related things, the more deeply committed they will likely be to it. And the same goes on this board. If you have had a bad experience or gripe with the Society, and then you find many others who have also had a bad experience, the more you talk about it, the more angry and anti-JW you will probably feel.

    Thank You in advance for your prompt response to my questions.

    You are welcome.

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