by MarchOn 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    1. Are you allowed as JWS to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?

    Everything that is not a Biblical Law is a matter of conscience in my mind. There may be a lot of conventions in the Organization that the majority, who don't like to think for themselves, embrace. However, there is a minority that balance these with their own biblical conscience.

    2.Do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?


    3.Do you count your time preaching on this board as service hours and if so, do you let them know where those hours came from? And do you count reading what other people post as service time too?

    No, because I don't preach on this board. I sometimes defend and discuss, but never preach.

    4.Do you feel this is a good place to get your spiritual food and that coming here is bringing you closer to Jehovah and his organization?

    Certainly not, but it kills the gaps at work.

    5.Do you think that you may plant something in someones head that will change their mind about the organization, perhaps something they have not heard a billion times before when they were in the organization?

    That's not my purpose, but who knows...

    6.Have you ever considered that if the people here wanted to hear what you have to say, ummm they would ask one of you?

    Well this is a discussion board about ANYTHING related to JWs. Have you ever considered that if anyone wanted to hear what you have to say they would start a thread called "MarchOn, let's hear what you have to say!"

    You know, "don't call me, I'll call you". Trust me when I tell you, we could all find a JW pretty much anytime, whether we want to or not.

    I think that is a testament to their desire to offer the word of God to everyone.

    7.Last but not least,have any of you tossed around the idea that you just might be brain washed?

    Brain washed is a good buzzword. We are all brain washed to some degree. Very few of us have "original" ideas or thoughts, so we are "brainwashed" by other influences. Not being "brainwashed" requires being very open minded and entertaining thoughts you disagree with. So, yes, there a lot of brainwashed JWs....and a lot of brainwashed Catholics, Protestants, and even anti's (members of this board.)

    The JWs who post on this board are a definite minority. Any JW preaching is very minimal. You confronting this minority and trying to scare them off makes it seem as though you are brainwashed to the opposite extreme and that you are not open to anything a JW might have to say. Take a chance, there is the actual possibility that you can learn from one of them.

  • borgfree

    Che Guevara, You Said:

    This forum would qualify as a dangerous sites for JWs.
    My question is, can you explain why?

    I am rushing to get to work, but I will check back asap.

    For all of you JWs, I am glad you are open minded enough to be here.


    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

  • troubled

    Hi Amac,

    For some pro-JW info and in-depth responses to opposers, you might check out the following link: (I intend to)

    It was provided by someone on this forum a couple of days ago (who downgraded it). But upon checking the link, I see that there might well be some very good factual arguments in favor of JW Biblical beliefs there. Anyway, I'm going to see.

  • CheGuevara
    Che Guevara, You Said:
    This forum would qualify as a dangerous sites for JWs.
    My question is, can you explain why?

    Sure, JWs view this site as dangerous for their spirituality and faith, mainly because of the negative nature of the forum. The purpose is not to upbuild ones spirituality, but to destroy their faith. Although there are very good discussions on Bible doctrine, most of the threads are personal attacks toward the Governing Body, elders, and others in the congregation. This is not upbuilding, but pure gossip. Also many members of the forum promote and accept many sexual practicies condemned in the Bible, this is also dangerous to a JWs spirituality.

  • MarchOn

    Thank You to the people that came here and gave honest answers. My big mistake was lumping all of you together. I do apologize for that. This all really started because of a thread started by Stocwach.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    I just got back on board for a few minutes and I think there may have been some misunderstanding when I related this experience:

    A typical experience: I know someone who has recently stopped going to meetings and has answered to any asking her why, that she does not want to talk about it and has made her choice. She was then told: "What are we going to tell your husband in the resurrection when he asks why you aren't there in the New System".

    I didn't to imply that one spouse would be saved because of the other.

    I was relating this because the JW who said it to the lady who stopped going to the meetings, was automatically "assuming" that she would not make it into the New System so when her deceased husband will be resurrected, she said:""What are we going to tell your husband in the resurrection when he asks why you aren't there in the New System".

    Sorry if I wasn't clear in my explanation on that.

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • borgfree


    I know you have been deactivated, but I know you will probably still read the forum. I can see where a JW would make the argument you did, about bad association, but, after leaving the WT org., I firmly decided that the truth can and will stand any test.

    I do not believe JWs coming to this board, are somehow, going to turn evil, just by reading and commenting on topics. If the WT teachings are so fragile, that they will not withstand this forum, then the WT is really in deep trouble, I believe they are.


    "Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

  • puzzled

    Had Enough

    AHHH... That does seem to change the playing field a bit. That was always an area that seemed to become a "stump" when trying to relate
    as opposed to the "Other" method of getting rid of or hanging on to, a spouse.

    Especially when there are elderly people who have spouses who have passed away and were also unbelieving or even believing. Some are waiting for them to return to them in the new system and yet many believe they will return but not to them...they will remain single and seperate.Be like angels. Thats been tossed about for a long time. I wish they would finally make up thier minds.
    The last I heard they were at a stale mate. no pun entended

    plum of the posts too much class.

  • gypsywildone

    Finally! someone admits that some jws pick out other people's houses & property that they believe god will give them after armageddon.

  • Imbue

    Hey PLM and Borg: The understanding of this Scripture currently is that one may win over their mate to the "truth". Not that your mate would be saved in the "new system" if you are faithful. They may have taught differently at one doubt and many may still believe this way. However the WT doesn't currently teach that your spouse will be saved into the 'new system" you are faithful.

    So, you must win them over and they must sell their own fair share of magazine to qualify for everlasting life..

    Borg said:

    I think plmkrzy is referring to 1Corinthians 7:12-16 and especially verse 16 which reads:
    "For, wife, how do you know but that you will save [your] husband? Or, husband, how do you know but that you will save [your] wife?" NWT

    That scripture was used a lot to encourage a witness with an unbelieving mate. We were also told, that the unbelieving mate "may" be "saved" by the loyality of the believing mate

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

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