Will you make SACRIFICES for the kingdom? WT

by bruh2012 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bruh2012

    Par 10 - "Significant funds are needed to support Kingdom activities. Each year tens of millions of dollars are spent caring for the expenses of traveling overseers, special pioneers and missionaries".

    So the GB wants you to support their "kingdom interest", but can care less about the LOCAL congregation pioneers who for some struggle to make ends meet, who use their gas driving all around the territory putting wear and tear on their cars sometimes not getting gas money to take care of their expenses, let alone any repairs needed. Talking about highway robbery!

  • A.proclaimer

    Not just that, I bet some of that money is used to pay off victims of child abuse cases, like the Candice Conti one. Where else are they going to pull funds to pay those large amounts of money? In LA county, and I think Orange County too, they are having members now pay for 72 new congregations they plan to build. This was mentioned a few months back. When the letter concerning the project was read, the elder reading it used this same article to convince people to donate.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    As I said to my extended family after the meeting yesterday,

    (Daniel 9:27) "And he [Jesus] must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease."

    However, the WTBTS wants people to contradict this fact, and sacrifice as much as they can - especially their time & money for the benefit of the Org!!

  • punkofnice

    Par 10 - "Significant funds are needed to support pay for the paedophile hush money and lawsuits(Kingdom activities). Each year tens of millions of dollars are spent caring for the rock star life style of the Governing Body and paedophie cover ups(expenses of traveling overseers, special pioneers and missionaries)".

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    "...traveling overseers, special pioneers and missionaries"

    "But we don't have a paid clergy."

  • quellycatface

    Charity begins at home.sod off.


    I would give them more, if I had a decent job. Since I have such a paultry education, I can't afford to give much.....

  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is a waste. You place damnation books, the next time "God's chosen people" doesn't get its way they will use those books to buff the next terror attack, storm, earthquake, or heat wave/cold snap. Worse, you are spending money doing that--money you could have been spending preparing for those disasters. You are wasting time--that could have also been used to prepare for disaster. Then they have the nerve to use the money to support this damnation effort throughout the world--so "God's chosen people" can use those LIE-bles to make said disasters worse.

    I don't think I will be donating anything to anyone in that organization, or wasting the gas driving. I need the money to buy more batteries and flashlights, and chargers, to get through these buffed disasters. And silver--hyperinflation will also be buffed.

  • AlphaMan

    This cult has morphed into one big money machine. The GB loves their money. Why spend money from the sale of WT assets or profits from their WT hedge funds when they can sucker it out of the R&F members? Their ridiculous 2 witness rule for pedophiles has cost irrepairable harm to others, and muti-millions in pedophile protecting settlements. If the GB were smart (which they are not), they would come up with a way for people to get credited for FS time, if they sent in the equivilent of what they would spend in gas money. Can't believe these fools are still having people drive around wasting time & gas money. (making big oil companies richer, instead of the Watchtower)

  • ohnightdivine

    No. My sacrifices during those pre-TTATT years are more than enough!

    I'm sure God knows what's in my heart..

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