Tainted Love: Your JW wedding

by Julia Orwell 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Mine was actually great because my non-JW parents decided to pay for the reception, limo, cake, dress, honeymoon, and more. I can thank my non-JW parents for what a totally fun day it was.

    But, half or more of the guests were JWs, JWs who don't speak to me anymore. Some have even slandered and abused me. The best man was a JW, and my two bridesmaids. One is now dfd and still my friend, so looking back on my wedding pictures isn't totally bad because she's in them. So many other ones though have JWs in and around them. So many are in the KH from which we faded last year. We have photos from inside it on the wall, with my husband holding a NWT from which he was asked to read as part of the ceremony.

    Those people, that place: although the day itself was great fun, there lingers a JW taint to it which will never go away, thus tarnishing the memory of the happiest day of my life. We've just gone 3 years married and are moving on with life, but I can't help but look back on our wedding day with a bit of regret that so many of the people who came and ate and partied at my parents' expense won't even talk to us anymore. Some of those people I now remember with a lot of pain caused by the manner in which they broke the friendship.

    But, there were a lot of non-JWs there, family and friends, and they are still my friends! The JW taint remains however, never to be removed...

    What was your JW wedding like? If you are still with that spouse, does the JW wedding memory leave you feeling a little tainted?

  • designs

    Haven't thought of that before, but you are correct all of those people who came are gone from my life now.

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Pfffff... some subject you trigger. My JW-wedding wasn't very special, although at the time I thouht it was awesome (being 18 and getting all that attention, which I never had).

    The wedding was cheap, I bought a dress from another sister (that day someone came up to me and asked "isn't that *sister's name* dress?" ), my mother didn't like the dress and never said anything nice about it, not even on the wedding day. She also didn't like the groom very much. In fact my parents told me weeks before the wedding that they were not going to give permission (not being 21 yet both my parents had to sign that they allowed me to marry), so I told them I would write a letter to the queen to get HER permission. In the end they were probably afraid what other people might say about them, so they gave in and signed.

    We had a talk in the KH. Nothing very special. We asked an elder-friend of ours, but he wasn't a very good speaker... Usually there would be some illustration in the form of a gift. I've had seen lots of special gifts for couples and hoped we would get something special too... but we got a bouquet of thistles with one rose in the middle... I was supposed to be that one rose. But okay, I didn't show my disappointment of course.

    Before the talk we spent a while in my parent's house with my family, then we drove 25 kilometers to my husband's parents to meet with his family, then we drove 13 kilometers to see my uncle and aunt (he was my witness beside my parents... in Holland both need at least one witness to sign, like a 'best man'), since my aunt gave birth to my niece the day before so she couldn't be at the wedding. Then we drove back to my inlaws again and from there we drove to the KH for the talk, also about 15 kilometers away. (Nice relaxed wedding day huh? NOT! )

    After the talk we drove in 'procession' to a restaurant fairly close to the hall. There we had just a reception, no party, no dancing. We didn't have money for a party. But because my groom was son of an elder who gave talks everywhere he knew LOADS of JW's, and I came from a city where they switched and changed congregations regularly, so I knew a lot of JW's too... so we sent invitations to about 7 congregations! So we've been standing nearly all evening, just shaking hands from all the people that were literally standing in a row for half an hour (the row went on til outside!!) that wanted to congratulate us. My jaws and cheeks hurt from the smile I had to keep on my face (which wasn't sincere anymore after an hour or so, it felt like a mask) and I was asking myself why in heaven's name we invited all those people that I didn't even know!!! Over 350 people, including family, came to our wedding.

    Of course most of them brought a present, so the day after the wedding we were busy unwrapping everything (and counting money haha, which was almost enough to pay for the reception) and we had our empty house full with stuff...

    I would have wanted a weddingcake, as a little girl I always dreamed of a beautifully decorated wedding cake... So my parents said they were willing to pay for it, but only if we paid for a dinner for all our family members. That would've been a dinner for over 25 people! We couldn't afford that! So we refused to have a dinner, therefore my parents refused to buy a wedding cake. So there was no wedding cake, just ordinary pie from the restaurant.

    On the wedding pictures were of course mostly JW's, but since we've been divorced since 12 years now I never look at them anymore. In fact, I don't have them. I think my daughter confiscated the album (which I made myself, the pictures were taken by a brother and that was his gift to us). The last time I saw those pictures (after I was DF'd) it felt awkward seeing all those people. Lots of them I didn't even know who they were, most of our 'friends' were already out of our lives, JW friendships aren't usually very strong and we had moved to another town. But some of them were long time friends and they have dumped me immediately when they heard I was no longer a JW.

    My second wedding with absolutely no JW's around was amazing, it was a fairytale wedding, I felt like Cinderella, and I finally had my wedding cake with marzipan roses and silver coloured pearls And I had the husband that I originally had wanted for the first wedding!

  • jwfacts

    Interesting post. I will have to go back and look at my wedding photos from 16 years ago. I'm pretty sure they were all JW's, and most of them are still in and not talking to me.

  • WingCommander

    Know who I regret being at my wedding 10 years ago? My IN-LAWS, ALL of them. They're not even JW's, but make JW's look like angels. They are two-faced, self-centered narcassists. They've insulted me and my family, my son, emotionally abused me, slandered me, and are completely manipulative. I can honestly say that if I'd have known what for vipers I was surrounded by, I probably wouldn't have gotten married, and instead run for the hills. My own wife barely speaks to her own parents anymore, and for good reason. Vapid vipers, all of them. Looking at my wedding photos is now painfull indeed.

    - Wing Commander

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The jw wedding stories I've heard are of weddings done on the cheap. My hubby was a guest at one and all the guests were put to work cooking, serving, cleaning at the reception: my husband was put to work as bar tender. Others their parents wouldn't pay squat for the wedding and I've been to a couple where you've had to pay for your own part of the reception! And of course jw weddings the groom is expected to oversee everything and make sure no one drinks too much. Then there's the judgment. A middle age sister at my wedding danced a lot as we had a do and dance floor and she got tsk tsk at...

  • JWdaughter

    My favorite wedding: A JP here in Brazoria County (Pearland) married my husband and I.Didn't require a witness so he just started a simple ceremony (didn't leave God out of it,which we appreciated) and when we were done, there was applause behind us as everyone in the county holiday party heard there was a wedding. . . so we had a nice venue, friendly, happy people to congratulate us and honest to god, it felt like we had gotten married in Mayberry (Pearland Texas ROCKS).

    Ultimate in cheap wedding-didn't charge for the service(or accept anything)and we had beautiful decorations and food courtesy of Brazoria County employees (ok, didn't eat,but it looked pretty and the holiday cake looked like a modest sized wedding cake).

    No JW wedding. Ever. Thank God! Sorry to hijack, I just liked my cheap wedding so much I had to tell y'all about it! Iwent to a lot of JW weddings. Some were fun,some were boring. Depends on the congregation and the planning, I guess. My favorite was a potluck picnic. I thought that was brilliant when I was 9.Sunshine, bbq and had at a park.It was fun.

  • Jim_TX

    Well, I kinda remember my wedding. The now ex has all of the photos of it. She can keep 'em, although I would like one or two of myself almost 35 years ago.

    The wedding? Well, the most expense was my wife wanting to spend her hard-earned money on a wedding dress. I think it was around $300 or so - which back then - for two youngsters in their mid-twenties - well, it could have been spent better.

    My tux - a rental. Close to a hundred dollars.

    We designed our own invitations and had them printed at the print shop where I worked for a small amount of money.

    The kh was used for the wedding. We had to switch from an originally planned Saturday evening to a Friday evening. Someone else wanted the Saturday.

    I got an elder friend that I admired, Karl, to do the wedding ceremony.

    For the reception, we got a back room at a local restaurant. I believe they charged me something like $50.00. Everyone was on their own for ordering food or whatever.

    The wedding cake was made by the wife of the elder who gave the talk. Sammi always told me that she would make the wedding cake for my wedding when I got married, and she did. So, that didn't cost me anything.

    My side of the family - JWs - boycotted the wedding. Not sure why, but it was expected.

    We just had a best man and a bridesmaid. No extravagant ceremony.

    For our honeymoon, my father-in-law gave me his credit card to go and rent a night at the local Holiday Inn. He wasn't a JW. Never was. Nice fella. Miss him.

    All in all, I don't think that we spent more than $500 or so. We paid for it all, no inlaws or family helped out. I didn't realize that was an option.


    Jim TX

  • JWdaughter

    Only people that matter in the pics are the spouses. The rest of them are passing in the breeze of life anyway. Even someof the spouses:)

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Our wedding was beautiful. The ceremony and reception were held at the same location. It was a catered affair in a brick mansion with the most beautiful windows. Our guests were still bragging on it years later. I absolutely hated that there were so many people in attendance. Even as a spiritual Bethel bride, I hated that I had to invite all of these JWs who were not really a part of my life. And, of course, the memories are further tainted because of all the JWs who no longer talk to or associate with us.

    I swear weddings are for everyone else. They shouldn't be, but they are. Especially in JW Land. It's all about the guest list and how many "friends" you know and who's invited, who's giving the talk, who's saying the stupid prayer, blah blah blah.

    The upside to my wedding is that 18 years later I'm still married to my best friend. We've done it all (including leaving the cult) together.

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