Short Video - Interviews with Creationists

by cofty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    I can't watch this because it's too painful for me. Maybe it still hits too close to home. But going by the thumbnail, are most of the people in video in their teens or early 20s? And if so, didn't we all think we had the world figured out at that age?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Apog: are most of the people in video in their teens or early 20s?


    No, most are old enough to know better....

  • Viviane

    villagegirl, these people are willfully ignorant on purpose and proud of it. They put themselves in the spotlight to trumpet their ignorance and get what they deserve.

  • designs

    400 years ago scientist and philosopher Bruno Giordano was burned alive at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church. Shocking still is that the RCC still lists Giordano as a dangerous heretic.

  • cofty

    then there are the well educated scientists who actually contribute something to this planet, who strangely have a respectful belief in some higher intelligence, - Villagegirl

    Nobody is insulting anybody who has "a respectful belief in some higher intelligence". You are attacking a strawman so you can feel superior.

    I posted a video of creationists asserting that they are determined to reject evolution as a matter of dogma without any regard for the evidence.

    Wilful ignorance is not something to be respected.

  • Oubliette


  • cantleave

    I thought villagegirl wanted out of here ?

  • KateWild

    I watched the video, and some of what people said made sense but they said it in sarcasm, like.......

    "if you believe in evolution you have to believe that God will not intervene"

    ............well yes I do agree with that statement.

    I think the people in this video are fundamentalists in a minority, and most people who believe in God also believe in evolution. I don't find God and evolution mutually exclusive, I am flexible with regard to my belief in God. All the people in this video are far too rigid in their belief of the bible like I once was as a JW.

    Kate xx

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    If I had seen this video in "the Onion" or Colbert or Jon Stewart, I would have thought it was a parody.

  • cofty

    I don't find God and evolution mutually exclusive - Kate Wild

    That is an important point that fundamentalists ignore.

    Theistic evolution thread...

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