I agree with 'fulltimestudent' that assemblies and conventions are a ritualistic attempt to replicate Jewish festivals. 3 times each year the Jews were commanded to assemble.
Yes! That was the basis for my comment. The festivals were an important part of keeping Judah together. Many scholars suggest that all these arrangements were organised post-exile, so we need to examine the function they served. After the return to Jerusalem under the Iranian empire, Judah was never again to function as a fully independent nation (except for semi-independence under the Maccabbees and Hasmoneans, but still under hellinic cultural influence). Under the Hellenic Empires Judah was subjected to great cultural pressure from Hellenism. We are told that in that era, young Levite priests (along with other young Jews) would neglect Temple duties to spend time in Greek gymnasiums. And since, Hellenic atheliticism was performed naked, the circumcised Jewish boys became embarrassed and sought to 'de-circumcise' (i.e. stretch their foreskins) themselves. So we can understand better the function of the festivals, which served to counter hellenic (old world - grin) influence
So why does a religion that claims Christ as it's head follow Jewis customs? It doesn't make sense.
However modern, evangelical Christians may understand that era, it is undeniable that Jesus attended, at least some of the festivals, and it is believed that even after the death of Jesus, Jewish-Christians kept attending the festivals held by the Jews until the complete destruction of Jewish Jerusalem and its re-building as a Roman city Colonia Aelia Capitolina (in Latin) with its Temples for Roman Gods. Judeo-Christianity, the oldest form of early Christianity faded away.
The Jewish was a monumental failure so why copy them? Duh!
Ummm? This is basic stuff - The early (and later) Christians understood the Hebrew texts, not as Jewish history and law, but instead interpreted them "as figura rerum or phenomenal prophecy, as a prefiguration of Christ - See Hebrews 8:1-6 and 10:1. (Remember, types and antitypes)
Did the Christians have large gatherings? Not mentioned in the Bible or other secular sources.
The Christian Basilicas built after Constantine certainly held lots of people. Maybe as many as a Jw Asssembly hall. Go search for the information.
In the first century CE, there were not so many Christians and travel was not cheap.