nhah: 'if i had been inclined there were some fantastic opportunities with female householders.' Please elaborate. And can I buy the film rights?
I was a window washet...
by new hope and happiness 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is nothing wrong with being a window washer, it's decent, honest work, and if you are running your own business that takes certain skills and a work ethic that not everyone has. I think it is talked about in a negative way here for two reasons. One is that some have chosen not to go to college because of the influence of their religion, and later regret it, because they wanted to do something else. It's a hard pill to swallow that you gave up opportunities for an education, even a full scholarship in some cases, for something they now know to be a lie. You may like this business and that's great, but not every does.
The other reason that it is talked about in a negative way is that most elders have little more than a high school education and what they learn as a JW. They then put on a suit and pretend to be something they are not. They are in no way qualified to be judging others or helping those who may have mental health issues. You may love your business, but I think you can admit that it doesn't qualify you to be a mental health counselor, which is part of what a good minister does. In most religions you must have a degree, possibly even an advanced degree or divinity school, and there is a reason for that. That means they have spent 4-6 years, tull time, preparing to do what they do. Being put in a position like that, with almost no training, is a tragedy, one that has contributed the high suicide rate among Jehovah's Witnesses, in my opinion. You don't know what you don't know, and the average elder doesn't know enough to be doing what they are doing.
So try not to take it personally, because it is not meant to be. No one is saying it's a bad thing to do, it's just not for everyone.
I did window cleaning in my teens, worked two days a week, pioneered, ran a car and had beer money. All on two days a week work, and they were short days !
phizzy--i think you and i were the same person !! bloody cold up a ladder in december though.
i think us window-cleaner pioneers deserve a little more respect in the xj community !!
new hope and happiness
Frazzle ...its funny how women living in big houses saw the young fleash of youth and not there husbands .
Liza Rose...i had no education as a window cleaner and no education owning my own estate agency. I retired at 35 and havnt worked in 15 years..my point being ....its attitude and we can all get a P.H.D or be doctors, even laywers...so what. Its about justice and humanity ...and my point is life is not about where we come from ....its about who we are inside. I say life its about luck and chance, and when we see that...ie my kid is 9 and in good health thats all that matters.
new hope and happiness
bigmag..gee thats my point you were not a pioneer window cleaner but YOU got the customers YOU made the money YOU represented the dream of YOU can be. And YOU can achive anything you want to. This site and every post is read by witness who are thinking. i say follow YOUR heart and go get your P.h.d or clean windows but do it for yourself...
Frazzled UBM
Yes nhah - it belies the myth that it is only middle-aged men who yearn for young flesh...and good on you for builidng a successful business...degerees are not the be all and end all (there are both well-educated idiots and geniuses with limited education - most very successful entrepreneurs either never started or never completed university) but they do generally give one better prospects and more choices in terms of employment and a head start in developing critical thinking skills...would you recommend your kids get a university education?
You have a great work ethic. There is no work that anyone should be ashamed of if it is honest. I think what is mocked is an attitude more than a job-its a lack of aspiration to do more than the minimum of getting by.
My sister runs a cleaning business with dozens of contractors. She tells of her observations of attitudes-there is the immigrant/ entreprenurial attitude-just a step in their goals (they don't work for her for long) and those who. . . .just take enough work to keep body and soul together. Plenty of other kinds, but I think it is the latter kind of attitude that is being mocked. Subsistence is a sad way to go through life to many of us. No worldly ambitions seems to be a mark of righteousness for some JWs.
I wish I had been physically fit to do that kind of work. I have done it-its hard work, but when you can do it well, it pays pretty good.
My sis has been a landlord and run other businesses. This is what she got into because of her property management experience. She's actually great at it and is driving a company car and getting a lot of perks. She had enough of entreprenurial positions, but is running someone elses business and getting a great cut AND a great salary and she doesn't have to worry about the taxes at the end of the year or the rest of business ownership challenges. It doesn't sound flashy or sexy, but it pays well and is challenging.
new hope and happiness
Frazzied thanks for the kind reply. You ask would i reccomend my kid gets a university degree? He is only 9 years old, but i would encourage him with his education. Try to make it fun. And yes i would like Orlando to go to university, even encourage it if it was to study someting he wants to become...but i hope my rncouragement is only encouragement. Maybe he wants to become a witness? i hope i have the knowledge to question his thinking...but thats as far as it goes.
new hope and happiness: I have absolutely nothing against window washers. In fact, if you're a handsome dude who is proud of his body, and exudes bravado confidence high up on the scaffolding, you can come wash my windows any day of the week. Coffee and extras will be on the house. RSVP ASAP.