There are a great many fine posts here - and some from 8 years back - detailing how apathetic and perfunctory the Organization has become.
And yet, it still stands, doesn't it?
Is there any point to be reached in this apparent 'experiment in sociology' in which they wake up and say 'screw this?' If they crammed 10 congregations into one Hall and stole the money, would any Witnesses wake up? If the magazines are given a final burial as to printing, would it make any difference? Could they baptize 4-year olds and get away with it?
How about a "generation overlapping 5 times over that-saw-1914"? Maybe?
How pathetic can meetings and field service get before it turns into a sort of self parody? Or doesn't that ever occur?
I see endless cutbacks of all sorts, similar to pieces being withdrawn from a Jenga game but collapse doesn't arise. I think if it did, Witnesses would still point to a few pieces piled up and declare victory, somehow!
It would be nice to consider a bottom, a red line, a final 'you've gone too far' position that Ends This Horror but I'm not sure that exists.
I once said, "you could have the governing body doing young boys on a parade float being towed down Broadway at high noon and Joe Publisher would say, "Well, it's still the truth".
That's one prediction or speculation I absolutely don't want to be right about.