It will take time, but the WT is in decline, for sure.
Because many are hurt, they want to see the WT collapse soon. This is in the obvious hope that their loved ones will leave, because they see no other way for them to get out. The truth is, if someone REALLY is of that sort, a collapse of WT will not matter. These poor folks will either find another high control group to join, or loose thier sense of well being altogether. Fortunately, most people do have their limits.
The ones capable of leaving will leave once a certain threshold is exceeded. This is usually caused by something hurtful or disruptive enough to their own lives in some manner. This is what happened to most of us, and we should not expect anything different of anyone else still in. I know some very intelligent people that cannot see their way out, but would if it hit home close enough.
The bottom line is, don't hold out for the collapse. It will happen eventually, but will not cause some mass exodus to get our loved ones out. It will be a long, slow brain drain, where the organization's best and brightest will leave as they are pushed too far.