The Watchtower: Does This Game Of Jenga Ever End?

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends


    .It would be nice to consider a bottom, a red line, a final 'you've gone too far' position that Ends This Horror but I'm not sure that exists.

    ....WBT$ Mind Prison............................I Love It Here........................................I`m A JW Elder..


    ............................................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I once said, "you could have the governing body doing young boys on a parade float being towed down Broadway at high noon and Joe Publisher would say, "Well, it's still the truth".

    I don't beleive that. I think Joe Publisher would say: "I bet those young boys were wearing tight pants! See, that's what happens when they don't obey the direction of the faithful slave . . ."

  • Vidiot

    Organisms that cannot or will not adapt to a changing environment are doomed to extinction.

    I'm having trouble imagining how a semi-secretive, apocalyptic millenialist, authoritarian high-control group can successfully adapt to the rapidly changing, information-saturated, Wikileaks-level-transparency-craving social environment of the 21st Century.

    They seem more inclined to keep the modern world out than adapt to it.

  • done4good

    It will take time, but the WT is in decline, for sure.

    Because many are hurt, they want to see the WT collapse soon. This is in the obvious hope that their loved ones will leave, because they see no other way for them to get out. The truth is, if someone REALLY is of that sort, a collapse of WT will not matter. These poor folks will either find another high control group to join, or loose thier sense of well being altogether. Fortunately, most people do have their limits.

    The ones capable of leaving will leave once a certain threshold is exceeded. This is usually caused by something hurtful or disruptive enough to their own lives in some manner. This is what happened to most of us, and we should not expect anything different of anyone else still in. I know some very intelligent people that cannot see their way out, but would if it hit home close enough.

    The bottom line is, don't hold out for the collapse. It will happen eventually, but will not cause some mass exodus to get our loved ones out. It will be a long, slow brain drain, where the organization's best and brightest will leave as they are pushed too far.


  • metatron

    Yeah, they're a 19th century anachronism - and yet the monster lives on.

    I can see that it all gets more superficial as time goes on but when does the facade fall flat? I wonder if part of the reason for cutting back on meetings/assemblies is actually that the GB/Director types can't stand the boredom of it either.

    I have reasoned that - organizations/governments collapse if belief in their idealogy or purpose evaporates. Fascist Spain and the Soviet Union met this fate. Isn't it amazing how a fanatical movement can just go poof abruptly despite years of sacrifice?

    One encouraging development: viral videos that expose TTATT ! I watched the visually delicious ApostateChick rapping and thought, 'she's probably worth more than a hundred posts about WTS misdeeds'. If the Governing Con Artists don't see these as a grave threat, they are deceived, indeed.


  • Vidiot

    done4good - "The bottom line is, don't hold out for the collapse. It will happen eventually, but will not cause some mass exodus to get our loved ones out. It will be a long, slow brain drain, where the organization's best and brightest will leave as they are pushed too far."

    A whimper instead of a bang.

    For those who have trouble with that, take heart; when it happens that way, it's usually well-deserved, and almost always permanent.

  • sir82

    how apathetic and perfunctory the Organization has become.

    I recently attended a SAD, out of my circuit.

    1300+ people.

    1 baptized.

    The most striking thing was the applause, though.

    After the talks, the applause lasted - at most - 5 seconds. The volume was slightly louder than a whisper.

    It was the absolute epitome of the word "perfunctory".

    I was surrounded by dozens of distracted or dozing people. No one gave a hoot wabout what was being said.

    I guess it's been gradually moving in that direction for many years, but it was striking nonetheless.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    I agree that even if this POS cult went down in flames of real estate laundering fraud or other GB misconduct -- it wouldn't matter to many who believe all the twisted nonsense. These people have nothing else to hold on to other than their family may have died believing in this crap; they feel mis understood and victimized.

    These people are so used to the condescending attitudes reigned down in this pyramid they wouldn't know what else to do with themselves.

  • Apognophos

    I agree. If the Society as a company and an organized religion were to disband -- then there would still be JWs meeting at each others' homes and studying the old literature. Isn't that what happened to the Bible Students?

  • WTWizard

    It will end only when the whole of Christi-SCAM-ity is brought down or communism is established worldwide (in which case, Christi-SCAM-ity has done its job and can be retired).

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