I was at the bible students website recently, and I noticed they have the "studies in the scriptures" volumes there. I am an inactive witness. In my research I found that russell taught that secret measurements in the pyramids revealed Gods plans for us. Is this teaching still held by bible students?? I thought this was a good website, but???? musky
bible students
by musky 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nor is the studies in the scriptures available there, the original one. I like th eBible Students, and I occasionally send monetary support (also the Gideon Bible people) but it irks me that they don't TELL you this is NOT what Russell originally wrote.
RR is a bible Student, very nice, shoot him an eamil if he doesn't see this thread.
UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)
The Dawn Bible Students definitely believe in pyramidology.
UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)
I just took a wander over to the Bible Students website. I'm in my early 40's, raised a JW and didn't know a hill of beans about the religion of my birth. I should say the real truth about JW's, from their perspective.
I must say that I was quite impressed.
RR, if you are reading this, I have a personal question for you. Have you always been a Bible Student or did you convert?
I sent him an eamil in case no one else did. He must have a hot date tonight!!!!
UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)
Whenever he gets done doing' what he's doin' and comes back to us (how DARE you have a LIFE,RR!!!) I found these neat little snippets...
>Having read the Watchtower's "Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" history book,I thought to myself, is this a history or a field service report.
One JW told me, "I like the new history, but it's missing something" .... I said "yeah, history."
Having spoken to the one who researched and compiled the data for the 'Proclaimers' book, it is only half said.
I was told that the book was rewitten by the Society's writing department and when they were through with it, about 75% of the original was rewritten. This person has since left bethel and is now inactive.
"People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"
______________________________________________________________________>Well if background history is what you want, then it's what I have. I have been documenting the Society's history for some fifteen years, have an out of print book to my name "Soldiers of the Cross" and am a historian for the Bible Students Association, working on a history of Pastor Russell and the IBSA.
Keep in mind that most of those who worked closely with Russell left shortly after he died, and some of the documentation is incredible. Most of these old timers were still alive in the 60s and 70s, and the Bible Students went to great lengths to record the history and experiences, these were all done on video and audio tapes, which are in my library, quite a history<
>m2u asked
btw...are you a "Russellite"?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------arrrrgh ... a what? I admire the man, and believe he was both misunderstood and misrepresented, even the Society makes him out to be a Jehovah's Witness, fact is, were he alive today, he would join the ranks of DF'd ones for apostasy.
No, I am not a "Russellite," but I do accept much of what he taught and wrote as sound and Biblical. Some call it "Russellism", we call it Bible Students.
Lord bless!<
____________________________________________________________________>mu2 asked
Hey RR...Do you speak spanish ?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm no longer fluent in the language, having been born and raised in the USA, my Spanish was limited to my mother [my father spoke English]and some relatives, although I spent my last two years of high school in Puerto Rico and some college, I've been back in the states some twenty years, and rarely speak it, except to get by.
If you're looking for fluency? No, if you're lokking for someone who can get by if he were dropped in the middle of South America, yes.
Why do you ask?
Larc stated:
RR a summary of your collection of materials regarding Russell could be a valuable addition to the printed record.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<Yes I agree, especially since there is very little out there in that area, most of the time Russell is mentioned, it is in regards to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Most authors confused the two theologies, and others like Duane Magnani, just like to make things up.
>Well my wife is French, born in Germany, raised in Zaire, her parents were born in Haiti, her great grandparents from France.
So, not only does she know French fluently as well as creol, she knows how to shrink heads, so don't mess with me .... lol<
1) True or False. Pastor C.T. Russell was an active Mason during his time as president of the WTBTS. -TRUE-
2) Name the stated purpose for building Beth Sarim, the Witness mansion in California.-DEAD GUY"S HOTEL-
3) What non-scriptural reason was printed in a 1960's Watchtower for refusing blood?-GOT ME
4) True or False. If you were born and raised as a JW in Mexico, you would not be baptised, you would not belong to a congregation, you would not carry a bible door-to-door, and you would not belong to a religious organization. -TRUE-
5) The GB once concidered changing the 1914 date of Christ's invisible return. What date was considered as a replacement and what earth-shattering event happened in that year? GOT ME
6) Pastor Russell wrote of Jesus' presence on earth as beginning in what year? (The earliest year, not 1914.)18 something or other
7) True or False. Prior to Dec. 1972, if your husband was having anal sex with another woman; you did not have grounds for divorce according to GB policy. -TRUE-
8) Who was the main translator for NWT bible? -FREAKY FRANZ-
9) True or False. The GB always consults scripture to make policy decisions. -FALSE-
10) What two ailments were once described in a Watchtower as being caused by "worms in the body"? Take some miracle wheat for it.
Bonus question: According to the Mayan calendar, when will the world come to an end? - Got me swing'n-
I will post the answers in a separate forum in a few days.
_____________________________________________________________________Okay, this is just off the top of my head, so excuse any errors:
1) False [Contrary to the popular, it is NOT true]
2) For the resurrected ancient worthies, who were to be kings over the earth.
3) What non-scriptural reason was printed in a 1960's Watchtower for refusing blood?
4) True, JW's are not a religion in Mexico
5) 1958 I believe, that was the year the sputnik was launched, "signs and wonders."
6) 1874, this date was accepted and promoted well into the 1930s, and changed to 1914 without cause and reason, it wasn't until the 1950s that a chronology was devised to explain the change.
7) True
8) Fred Franz
9) HA HA HA ... you're not serious are you? [false]
10) I knew this one, but it escapes me now
Bonus) ???
___________________________________________________________________That was a very interesting thread, sorry I missed it.
All this talk about the GB, and it being all white, well Herd is a black man, so you afro-americans happy? huh?
What I want to know is when is there going to be a Puerto Rican on the Governing Body, what, they afraid bethel will be serving rice and beans all day? Or that we'll supply bethelites with '64 chevys with pom-poms on the windows and a dog ith the back with the head going up and down?Maybe, their afraid the hymns will have a little beat to them, eh? All the attire will be zoot suits and pointy two tone shoes. Or maybe the other bethelites fear for their hubcaps, I don't know! I just don't know!
With hispanics being the number one minority in the USA, their going to have to do something! :)
[Paid for by 'Puertoricans for governing body']
_____________________________________________________________________I really really love this guy.
UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)
Original "Studies" and Zion's Watchtower here;
Hi guys, just saw the threrad. thanks for the e-mail Dungy. I'm heading out the door for a meeting.
Briefly let me just say, YES, I'm a Bible Student.
As to Russell's pyramidology, let me just say that although he taught and believed it as do many Bible Students today, it was not the core of his belief system. Someone else shared this with him and as he studied it out, he found that much of what was "taught" in the pyramid corrobarated what he believed.
Many believed that his chronology came from the pyramids, that is not true. His chapter on the Great Pyramid appreared in volume three of the Studies, in the 1890s. The chronoloy came about in the 1870s and even then it was not original to Russell.
Personally, I find the Great Pyramid interesting, but my trust is in the Scriptures. That being said, there was a article written not too long ago by the New Brunswick Bible STudents on this subject in a past newsleter. I think you'll find it interesting, even if you don't accept it.
. http://www.bible411.com/newsletters/nb200110.htm
I'll see you guys when I get back tonight! Sorry, I DO have a life :)
thanks for all the info guys. I agree with rr that my trust will be in the scriptures. rr, do you feel that the bible students are the only right religeon? Do you think that it is the closest belief system to the real truth of the bible? I am still searching. I am trying to find the right belief system. Maybe there is none. Maybe the right one is my own personal relationship with God. But I gotta believe that God would want me and my family to fellowship with others in person, like a regular meeting or something. Personally I am a loner, so not going anywhere is fine with me for now. I was raised as witness, and I will say that the fellowship was definitely there, with all those meetings and field service. But they won't accept the fact that I have some opposing viewpoints on some doctrines.This is not acceptable to them. So I don't go where im not wanted. musky