Hi Musky,
Although the Bible Students in general believe they have the Truth, we don't claim to be God's special people on earth, or that you must be a Bible Students to be saved, as another nameless group we know claim :)
Russell didn't have ALL the answers, and often stated so. And because of that, there are differences between certain BIble Student groups. They accept the overall plan of salvation as outlined by Russell in the scriptures, however, they may differ on the DETAILS.
Some Bible Student groups can be VERY conservative, others are very liberal. The group I serve with has conservative views, yet we are very liberal in our studies. We welcome questions, disagreements, we invite Bible Students to serve us who do always see eye to eye with.
My philosophy is, if you think you have the truth, then nothing anyone says or does should shake your foundation.
Some have preconceived ideas about Bible Students, to them, I say, experience it for yourself. But at the same time, if you have a bade experience with one group, don't label them all bad.
I have visit some very conservative classes, and although I love my brethen very dearly, I know I could never survive among them.
I tell people, the worst thing that can happen to someone who doesn't see eye to eye with the class on certain issues, is that you will probably never serve as elder or deacon.
We do simply, agree to disagree.