JW's are an unknown fringe group

by joelbear 27 Replies latest social current

  • ballistic

    Beans, and most of the baptisms are children brain washed - errrr brought up in it.

    p.s. plz can someone help with the syntax above (getting desperate now)!!!

  • lastcall

    Joel, your reply to dnp was excelent. He really needs to know that most here don't hate JW's. A lot of what he had to say is typical of the mindset of JW's ( DNP, we all know this because we all were there parroting the same defences you are my friend.) He was worried about us stereotyping them when he was making many false assumptions about us.
    Donotprovoke, the main difference between you and us is that we all have been JW's. Me -- all my life until recently. But you have never been an Ex JW. We know why we left. You do not. Contrary to what the WT would tell you, I didn't leave for prides sake. I had no issue or real problem with any person in the organization. I miss many of them. For most here our only real crime was this : We changed our mind. We don't believe they have the truth. We have discovered some things. We have come to some realizations. For that we are villified as apostates. (Some have embraced that term but I HATE it.)
    DNP, if you are happy as a JW, go in peace my friend. I wish you the best. But, if you come to a point where you think they overstep their authority when it comes to how you choose to consienciously live, and the rules of living that they insist EVERYONE abide by start to seem a little far-fetched, you should know that it's okay to walk away. That doesn't make you an enemy of GOD. It just makes you a subject for slander and gossip amongst your former "brothers".

  • LDH


    Their delusions of grandeur coupled with their martyr complex/persecution complex is a sure recipe for disaster.

    When the rank and file finally figure out that they are doing nothing more than following a man-made crackpot religion, you can indeed bet there will be much.....weeping and gnashing of teeth!


  • blacksheep

    Yeah, as an ex-witness (had little choice-raised as one), it seems hard to believe that people can actually FUNCTION outside of that org. Typical cult mentality. They've got to inflate their importance by imagining their little group is the center of the universe. And imagine that everyone else has they EYES on them, either admiring them from relative "afar" as the pinnacle of virtue, or relentlessly persecuting and hoping to interfere with their message of "truth" to others.


    Look, people aren't perfect, and there are bad witnesses just like their are bad Catholics and bad Jews and so on. But please don't stereotype us by saying that we think we are "perfect" or we think that you are all going to die, or whatever else you "think" you may know. Majority of Witnesses are hard-working, caring individuals just trying to struggle through life like everyone else.

    Ya know...I took some time and really thought about this one....I even went and reveiwed old threads....and I came to the conclusion that most of the time it is not the JW as an individual that is being...as you put it "stereotyped". It is the organization as a whole...the powers that be at Bethel...that are being criticized. I would think that GOD's TRUE organization would be able to stand high in the light of a close inspection of those "truths".

  • ballistic

    The Governing body ARE "the organisation", not the buildings, the printing facilities, the bodies of elders or the witnesses themselves. They alone have the power to change or shape the organisation and they make it what it is. But while saying this, I would agree with Ray Franz that they too, have become followers of followers, just as we were / are. It is this 'following of followers' ad infinitum which gave me the impression that the organisation acts like a machine, one sustained by the fact that the members cannot question the leadership and the leadership believe they are "God's channel"


    Hey Joel,this has to be one of your best threads.Good for you...OUTLAW

  • detective

    As a "worldly" one I can assure you, I spent the vast majority of my life (until the past several years) saying, "jehovah's witne...wha?!? Who?!?"

    good post, Joel.

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