Possibly a great question to ask JW's since this last week's WT.

by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwleaks

    Luke 12:41

    *** w81 10/1 p. 20 pars. 5-8 “Who Really Is the Faithful Steward, the Discreet One?” ***

    5 What the Lord Jesus Christ there said the apostle Peter called a “parable,” for Luke’s account goes on to say: “Peter said, ‘Lord, are you telling this parable [parabolé] for us or for all?’” (Luke 12:41, Revised Standard Version and other translations) So, logically, what Jesus said in reply would be considered a parable, which would picture or illustrate certain realities to come in the future. That is, Jesus’ reply in Luke 12:42-44 would form part of the parable of the “faithful and wise steward.” (RSV) As we now examine the parable, we should keep in mind Peter’s question, which carries over in its application to this follow-up parable, namely, “Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everyone?” (Luke 12:41, New International Version; The Living Bible) We ask, therefore, Does this parable of the “steward” apply to a class, an “us” class, the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, or to everyone then listening to Jesus and, today, to every individual reading Jesus’ parable, regardless of his religious connections inside or outside Christendom? Is the parable a class affair or an individual one?


    6 Jesus did not directly answer Peter’s question concerning the preceding “parable,” but offered another parable in reply, saying: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? Happy is that slave, if his master on arriving finds him doing so! I tell you truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings.”—Luke 12:42-44, New World Translation.

    7 No one will question that the “master” of the faithful steward pictures the teller of the parable himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the parable that raised Peter’s question Jesus pictured himself as being a bridegroom, who, because of the marriage festivities, returns home at an uncertain hour of the night or early morning. (Luke 12:35-40) Certainly, then, those involved in the fulfillment of Jesus’ parable should keep on the watch, especially during the “conclusion of the system of things.”—Matt. 24:3.

    8 In the case of the parable of the steward, the master has a “body of attendants,” of which the steward himself is one. This matches the fact that the teller of the parable, the Lord Jesus Christ, has a household in a spiritual sense. To that effect it is written, in Hebrews 3:4-6: “He that constructed all things is God. And Moses as an attendant was faithful in all the house of that One as a testimony of the things that were to be spoken afterwards, but Christ was faithful as a Son over the house of that One.” The prophet Moses was over the house of the 12 tribes of Israel at the start of that nation. Jesus Christ, as the Greater Moses, has been over the house of spiritual Israel from the day of Pentecost of 33 C.E. down till now. Revelation 7:1-8 reveals that the “house” is made up of 144,000 spiritual Israelites, divided into 12 tribes of 12,000 each. This is a “house” made up of spiritual sons of God, like their Head Jesus Christ himself. These collectively compose the “little flock,” to whom, as Jesus said, Jehovah God the heavenly Father has approved of giving the celestial kingdom.—Deut. 18:15-18; Luke 12:32; Acts 3:19-23.

  • smiddy

    I don`t believe the average Jehovah Witness of today would have a clue as to what is the difference between a type , and anti-type ,or

    a parable , and a prophecy .

    So if asked such a question one of two things will happen.

    1.You will get that glazed look in their eyes .( WTF ? are you talking about ? ) Deer in the headlights look.

    2. W.T.F.?are you talking about ,deer in the headlights glazed look in their eyes.

    Either response will vindicate you asking the question .

    I think that is a great question Crazyguy .


  • smiddy
    • C. I Don't Know if Peter was Right or Wrong = Cult Member that can't think for themselves
    • Oubliette , surely you would point out that is what the organization is saying which is in opposition to scripture that they are supposed to believe .?
    • ecan6 "Jesus meant it as a prophecy ?" And where is the basis , scriptural proof for that statement ?
    • smiddy
  • fastJehu

    Conversation, if I would ask this my elderly mother:

    MOTHER: "Have you asked your elders about this?"

    ME: Yes, but they have no satisfying answer.

    MOTHER: "So you must have a deeper bible-study!"

    ME: I have all this questions, because I studied the last years already too deep.

    MOTHER: "You should not study the "old" publications. Ask your elders for a bible-study!"

    ME: confused

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Peter wasnt talking about the faithful steward as a parable. He was talking about the foregoing parable of readiness. In RESPONSE to peters inquiry, Jesus asked, "who is the faithful and wise steward?"

    i dont think this will work at all.

  • Heaven

    Lisa Rose said: I hope they keep this up, they are making it so much easier for people to see that they are being led by idiots.

    I agree. I think long term JWs are having more and more issues remaining strong in the faith when stuff like this happens. Also, the videos they are putting out these days aren't helping either. The GB members do not come across well in these.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I am left breathless by this paragraph in the following article:

    15 One of the master’s three slaves hid his talent, so was Jesus here indicating that one third of his anointed followers would prove to be wicked and sluggish? No. Consider the context. In the illustration of the faithful and discreet slave, Jesus spoke of an evil slave who beat his fellow slaves. Jesus was not there foretelling that an evil slave class would arise. Rather, he was warning the faithful slave not to display the traits of an evil slave. Similarly, in the illustration of the ten virgins, Jesus was not indicating that half of his anointed followers would be like the five foolish virgins. Instead, he was warning his spiritual brothers about what would happen if they lost their sense of vigilance and did not prove to be prepared. * In this context, it seems reasonable to conclude that in the illustration of the talents, Jesus was not saying that a large number of his anointed brothers during the last days would be wicked and sluggish. Rather, Jesus was warning his anointed followers of the need to remain diligent—to ‘do business’ with their talent—and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave.—Matt. 25:16.

    So, this parable is selectively, prophecy - not prophecy on the whim of the writers. We have good and faithful slave in all it's glory but evil slave nah... no such thing. Absolute horse shit. it's not worth arguing about.

  • Phizzy

    Not worth arguing about, with a JW, I agree. But if you can get them to read the whole Chapter, and think about the fact that the FDS thing comes in the middle of obvious parables, how come all of them are not literal prophecies ?

    I do believe that deep down this is something that worried me as a JW, and added to my Cognitive Dissonance.

    No harm in doing that to active JW's, once Cog. Diss screams loud enough you have to listen.

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