Dear Ken:
I hope your brother in law is faring well.
You asked about evil the other day and I am now getting back to you on that subject.
I cannot prove that God exists. Everyone has to have the God experience for herself. I can only tell you what has helped me to cope with the problem of evil in the world.
I believe that life is a mystery. It is transrational and cannot be constrained by the human mind. God has left us to make sense of the condition we are in but he has not left us alone in our groping.
Romans 8:20, 21 says that the creation was allowed to undergo a condition of futility. It does not say that God brought futile existence upon humanity. It instead says that God allowed humanity to suffer a futile existence. I believe this "subjection to futility" accounts for the presence of natural disasters in the world as well as Satan the devil's influence on nature. But God allows these things on the basis of hope in Jesus Christ.
I have had the experience of perceiving God in a semi-sensuous way. I know that my Redeemer liveth and you cannot take that away from me. But I understand how you feel in view of evil. God will correct things one day.
Just you wait and see.
Pray to him and read his Bible. Maybe you too will be in Christ.