Hyghlandyr's Announcement

by Hyghlandyr 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Imbue how you deal with others is your business.

    It seems to me, though, you are *constantly* on the defense with EVERYONE who posts here.

    Does that mean that you offend people knowingly, or unknowingly?

    Wondering Class

  • imbue2

    Lisa, if I call you a psychopath and a troll you wouldn't have anything to say about it?????

    You have your troll I have mine...

  • LDH

    I'd probably ignore it like I do most of the digs around here....

    I have to say, anyone who 'won't go into chat because Flower is there---' is already summat of a troubled soul to begin with.

    This is not the KH, there are no elders around to make sure we play nice.

    Whoever these people are that are telling you this, you need to let them know they are big boys and girls now and they need to fight their own fights, mmmmkay?

    Ask yourself whether you are being manipulated to fit someone's agenda, albeit unknowingly.

    Hygh has demonstrated what he is about--even if not completely as WTLies implies.

    If people want to avoid him, the forum is big enough for that, too.

    I can think of at least 5 people I avoid because their ignorance pisses me off. (and quid pro quo, too, I'm assuming. )


  • imbue2

    I forgot to add: They are not my clients so I don't have to put up with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe I'll test you out sometime Lisa...lets see how you ignore nasty comments like Sironas and Flowers.

    Do I offend people knowingly or unknowingly???..well since I never said a nasty word to flower.. Its her rod up her a**!

    Hmmm...Sirona calls me a psychopath and I respond so SHE is the offender. So is FLOWER why don't you ask them what there problem is????? Ask them how they OFFEND????

    I don't put up with people S***...I just call it like I see it! If you don't like my posts you can say so and I can defend my position if I choose...is that defensive yes..so what! I've never seen Teejay back down from anyone Simon has to close all those threads. Do you say the same thing to Teejay? Or do you say this to me because I'm female and I should be demure like you Lisa...LOL

    I do avoid him and I only commented because I was asked...like I said guess they really didn't want to know!!!

    I know what he is and they can have him...LOL some people are dumb as rocks!!!

    As far as Flower, I'm not fighting anyone else's battles. She is just a B**** to me has been from day one in chat. Guess it's because I don't feel sorry for her and listen to her problems...I can't take the victim mentality. So I avoid her because she says nasty things to me and I have never returned kind until today. She deserves her life she made it that way!

    Hah Lisa all the battles you've been in give me a break!!!!

    You couldn't ignore a certain poster that's for sure...LOL

    Didn't you and Teejay recently go at it with COMF over whether children should be allowed to carry merchandise around in a store...really you would argue anything Lisa if you would argue that! I don't see you avoiding to many conflicts to tell you the truth!

  • imbue2

    *tosses a grenade back at the tosser*

  • Sirona

    Thanks flower You seem to know what you're talking about. As part of my psychology degree, I'd love to do case studies on *certain people* to see what their real problem is. Oh well, I guess we'll never know.


    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • Cassiline

    ((((((((( Hyghlander )))))))))


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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