Should Government Dictate To Religious Organizations What They Must Do If It Violates The Beliefs Of The Religion?

by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    They should if the religion is deceptive or coercive. With major things such as lying about pedophiles, lying about blood transfusions, or wasting members' time doing dead works, yes the government needs to get in and shut down the religion. No religion has any right to drain productivity by threatening damnation for anyone that wishes to work productively, waste huge amounts of time spreading the religion, or extort vast sums of money to keep the scam going (and send it to the vatican or similar organization that ties in with the vatican). Donations that are designed to impoverish the flock while feeding the scam should be banned, at least from a tax exempt prospective. Preaching that one must waste vast amounts of time spreading the cancer when they could have been building value should be outright banned, and the organization needs to be raided and shut down. Those responsible should be charged with major crimes, and those who are hiding evidence charged with obstruction of justice.

    However, as individuals, I believe in the right to stupidity. If one wishes to be stupid, as an individual, and does not coerce others into joining, one should have that right. Also, one should have the right to bear whatever consequences such stupidity may bring. You have the right to practice the belief that poverty is a virtue on yourself (but not impose, through threats of damnation or fraud, such belief on others). Likewise, you have the right to endure whatever fruits such belief has on yourself, such as destitution.

  • minimus

    Do JWs recieve government funding?

  • ABibleStudent

    minimus - Do JWs recieve government funding?

    It depends on the country. In the USA government does provide funding for medical treatment for poor people. Also, donors can deduct their donations to religious organizations from their taxes, which is a form of government funding of religions.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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