Some help on the Israel journey of 40 years.

by jam 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    At what time did God blind the Israelites, (to wonder for

    40 years)? After crossing the Red sea Exodus states 15;22

    "then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. Three days

    and found no water. When they came to Marah they found

    water,( made sweet by a tree). Then they moved to Elim, water.

    In 16;1, they came to Wilderness of Sin, on the fifteenth day

    of the second month after they departed from Egypt.

    My question, had they travel 45 days since they left Egypt and

    were they blinded by God at this time.

    In other words, they could have been half way there to Canaan.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It never happened. There is zero evidence for it, nada, zip.

    It's just narrative and story telling and politico/religious backfilling to a predetermined end point.

  • wasblind

    Hello Jam

    You proved to me that things are much better today than back then

    If only Moses had a GPS. If only........

  • Bobcat

    These may help some.

  • jam

    LOL. GPS.

    Witness:It just shows the crazy stories in the Bible. How did I ever

    believe such nonsense. But I love to point out the inconsistencies

    of the Bible to my golf buddy,( a super believer). LOL

  • jam

    Thanks Bobcat, I love it. This will certainly keep me busy.

  • Bobcat


    Here are a few more links. Hope this helps your research.

    Take Care

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Surprised myself by sitting down with a map and a calculater and working out how just big that desert was for a man on foot. Realised that it would have been rediculous to be 'lost' for even a few weeks in such a small area.

  • prologos

    These were 2 million people, according to the sorry story. the population of a major city. they lived there for 40 years. no trace left.

    we have finds of bands of nomads but no trace of 2 million?.

    It might not be the only millions strong entity that will leave no trace.

  • jam

    Black Sheep: So even a blind person could have found Canaan.

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