Waiting on Jehovah(TM)

by punkofnice 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I remember my dear old Dad (R.I.P) saying that when he had questions he waited on Jehovah(TM) and got the answer later.

    For the life of me I can't recall this ever happening to me........

    Honestly, can anyone actually recall a question that the WBT$ Jehovah(TM) cleared up for you?

  • Phizzy

    No. I even wrote to the H.Q in Brooklyn about an issue and got back a non-answer. Mrs Phizzy wrote too, on another point, and got back a totally ambiguous answer, no use at all.

    Big J himself doesn't seem to actually do anything much since his old "smiting" days, let alone answer questions.

  • punkofnice


    I even wrote to the H.Q in Brooklyn about an issue and got back a non-answer.

    Yeah. I did the same to Mill Hill U.K. Didn't get an answer just the refs that I was querying in the first place.

  • cantleave

    Yeah it worked with me.

    I had many, many doubts about the organisation and the bible, I prayed really hard to dispell and the answer came to me in a blinding light ......

    ............"Angus, It's all bullshit!"

  • Heaven

    Doing nothing about your problems only makes them worse.

    My parents became do nothing people. We kids were the ones who initiated things that needed doing around their place.

    Going to the Watchtower for answers is useless. Start with Google.

  • punkofnice

    Angus - It was in church that it dawned on me that there is no god. Ironic eh?

    Heaven - Yes. No responsibility. Waiting on god is a big cop out.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Didn't get an answer just the refs that I was querying in the first place." LOL!!

    The exact same experience; I cited all the WT comments which conflicted with the Blble's proof regarding a certain topic, and the reply I received from Britain Branch told me to do some research on all the Watchtowers I'd quoted!!

    They're effectively saying that the Watchtower magazine is the final word on any Bible question!!



    Data-Dog: Hmmm... The generation that saw the events of 1914 will not pass away.. Grandpa and Grandma are in their late 80's so the End must be soon. I guess I should wait on Jehovah...


    Answer: Overlapping Generations.


  • punkofnice

    the Searcher -

    They're effectively saying that the Watchtower magazine is the final word on any Bible question!!

    Yes they are. Cult anyone?

    DD -

    'Overlapping(TM)' = biggest cop out yet!

  • leaving_quietly

    I guess the real question is this, for anyone who still believes: why "wait on Jehovah" for an answer if the answer is provided in the Bible in the first place! Doesn't that mean that Jehovah already answered the question? It's more like "wait on WTBTS to catch up with Jehovah".

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