Nice to see you here; the more the merrier.
A couple things...
DuvanMuvan - " mum agrees there's no point me spending an hour every week trying to teach people about stuff I don't believe in."
This tells me she has a measure of common sense and - due to the fact that she's married to a nonJW - probably doesn't subscribe 100% to the "only JWs will survive the Big A" sense of exclusivity.
DuvanMuvan - "We originally planned to go through each one but we got stuck on proving Noah's ark is real and I guess we still are there now. my mum invited a brother who she thought knew enough about science and stuff to help me came over and together they tried to convince me I was wrong."
And therein lies their problem; Genesis literalists can't "prove" the Deluge occurred, because there really is no proof, apart from "the Bible says so". Hence the subsequent attempt to convince you (despite a lack of proof).
You're handling your Mom pretty well; there's no spittle-flecked screaming matches over theology, nor (I assume) are you diving headfirst into the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll lifestyle, so I wouldn't worry too much; something tells me you won't have as much trouble leaving the WTS as some have.
Stick around; we may not be as cool as Facebook or Twitter, but a younger perspective is always welcome.