Have been going to a few meetings to support my kids that have to go with their mother. I knew it would be a powerful lesson for them to see how these loving people treat their father who da'd a while ago. Couple of elders tried to corner me the 2nd or 3rd time I went to remind me that I cant talk to anyone.... I however reminded them that I am not df'd and I can talk to whomever I want to. I want my kids to learn from this experience of my attending now so I generally play by the rules as I dont want to be asked to leave.
At the last meeting I see a guy that used to work with me and my dad laying carpet (seemed like all the brothers in mad town area layed carpet) in the parking lot pulling in. Havent seen him in god/allah/thor/fsm knows when. Nobody else in the parking lot so I rolled down my window and said "His Name, how you been?" and then put my hand out the window to shake his hand. He had a very serious look on his face, like he wasnt sure if he should shake my hand or just keep walking, but he slowly walks up to my car and said "are you coming back?" I looked at him and said "NOPE" So he starts to walk away because he clearly thought my answer was going to be "oh yes, I am working so hard to get my watchtower studied so I don't die at armageddon"
They cannot comprehend what to do or say if they dont get the company line said back to them. They have study after study and meeting after meeting all so that they can get spoonfed on what to say to people. They are not encouraged to think for themselves and it clearly shows when they are confronted with someone who will not play their game.
By the way, like any normal person before I drove off said "good to see you and I hope your family is doing well"