They don't know what to do....

by pbrow 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • KateWild

    Its so true JWs dont know what to do when faced with a situation like this. LOL. Its good that you are showing your kids the lunacy of it all, the penny might drop with your wife also. Good for you. Kate xx

  • jookbeard

    DOC, if he continues at try and talk to members of his cong 2 things are likley to happen, a local needs talk will inform the cong that under no circumstances does anyone in the cong speak to this person and the elders will give him a stern talking to, I cant understand why anyone would want to play their stupid games , he isn't going to win.

  • Phizzy

    The Elders have no power or authority over YOU !! You have DA'd for Chrissakes, that means you no longer come under their authority, that is the point of DAing.

    Yes, they can tell their little sheeples not to talk to you, and they will meekly obey, like the non-thinking, no conscience people they are.

    There may be exceptions, because I was one, I always spoke to DA'd and DF'd ones, gave them a warm welcome, and ushered them to a seat next to their family's, no back seats for them in my Kingdom Hall. I was never counselled for this, because the Elders knew I was right.

    Don't put up with any nonsense from Elders, they are nothing. Tell them to back off and bully the sheep, you are no longer going to Baaa for them.

  • quellycatface

    The Searcher and Phizzy, they were really interesting comments. Thank you.

  • steve2

    When all is said and done, you are as likely to be shunned for dissociating yourself as for being disfellowshipped. The end result is exactly the same. I'm left wondering how come you don't know this?

    At a certain level you do need to move on. Visiting the kingdom hall to show your kids how badly you're being treated is understandable. But in the mid- to longer-term?

    As much as I deplore the organization, I have to acknowledge that the Witnesses have a right to their rules for inclusion and exclusion.If you want to absorb your time and energy in legal pursuits and challenges do so with the knowledge that it seldom, if ever, produces the results you would like.

    Your example would be more powerful in my opinion if you showed your kids how well you can get on with your life outside the organization as a strong, independent thinking father who can move on from aversive experiences rather than getting caught up in the need to keep proving how badly you've been treated.


    I think it's great, as long as your children understand why you are doing it? I can't just be a pissing match.


  • jwfacts

    "I however reminded them that I am not df'd and I can talk to whomever I want to."

    That is a great comment, and I had not considered it before. Since you da'd and do not want to go back, you have no reason to abide by their rules. That same reasoning can also be used by someone disfellowshipped that has no intention of going back. The comment by a df'd person would be slightly different, such as "I do not agree with Watchtower rules, and can talk to whomever I want to."

  • pbrow

    This is certainly not a very long term thing. We have definately moved on from the petty way of life of a dub. Through a loop hole in our divorce setteltment my ex has chosen church as an extra curricular activity and is able to take our children on their weekends with me to church and service. This is my way of supporting them even though we all know that we all dont want to be there.

    cat face.... you can always talk to anyone you want. The problem that you run into is if you get into people's faces then they can ask you to leave and I personally am not looking to do that.

    jook... i am not trying to win anything except the hearts of my kids...... while i grew up w/ a lot of people here they are trapped for sure. My goal and I have said this numerous times before is to make sure my kids do not grow up and choose to be witnesses. Its a huge reason why I don't beleive in fading if you have children. You have to make a clean break. No family member or friendship is worth your children's freedom.


  • pbrow

    data... its def not a pissing match.. I am doing this with one goal in mind. Education and to make sure my children are very aware of how witnesses behave. I have talked w/ some that feel they need to keep the witnesses as far away as possible but I do not feel that way. Being a witness works if you are kept inside the bubble. My contention is if your children are exposed to life outside the bubble then Jehovah's Witnesses are actually some of my best allies in keeping my children out of the religion. Their actions speak so loud you cant hear what they are preaching!!

    paul... i told the one brother I actually respect "how could I listen to a man made rule to not speak w/ anyone when I have Paul's example to be peacable with all men " Same deer in headlights look. :0 My kids were two feet away


  • wearewatchingyouman

    I think this is a wonderful way to stage a rebellion. DF'd and DA'd people just start going back to meetings. Go to their get together's at public parks and restaunts etc. When told not to talk to witnesses, do it anyway. Make them look you in the eye and offer hand shakes. Be cordial and loving. These are indeded public meetings, and get-togethers in public spaces. Show them that you deserve to be treated as a human being. You have no desire to be part of the organization, but they hold no power over you. Maybe a set week a couple times a year or something. Make it an international to do. What would the society's reaction be? Could you imagine?

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