Modern Day Governing Body Members Do Not Go "Door To Door" or Informal Witnessing! Why?

by RottenRiley 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I believe that fake photos are the least of the GB's problems. That being said, I believe the bro on the left [ our left ] was in the original. he has been moved. Herd was added in later. There are many anomalies in the picture. What's really telling is that there was not one real/unaltered [ adjusted ahem..] photo of one of Jesus' brothers going in service. Think about that! Not one!

    Now they have a new pic of Sanderson, a real pic, but that could be a photo- op and nothing more. He could have stepped outside when the lighting was right, smiled, and went back inside. These guys are deceivers, don't forget that. Just look at JW.ORG, it's a big advertisement showing JWs witnessing to the "public" in beautiful surroundings. The "public" is other JWs. It's one big commercial..


  • Apognophos

    Actually, I just figured out "what that is". It's the bottom of his service bag. Notice the angle at which his arm is swinging the bag and you realize why we can see a little of its bottom. The bottom is not black because it's reflecting the environment. If you look closely you can see metal studs at the four corners of the bag's bottom -- those are the little legs that allow the bag to stand off the ground when set down.

    There seems at first to be a ragged edge running along the lower-right side of the bag, but that's because his bag has an unused shoulder-strap that is dangling down to the right, leaving a space between itself and the bag through which we are seeing either the bag's reflective side, or else we are seeing through to what's in the background.

    Feel a little silly now?


    Nope. Go re-create that with a black service bag. Also, NOPE, there is no shoulder-strap, period. Look closely at the clip for a strap that faces us. There is nothing attatched. Even if there was a shoulder strap, it would explain only 1 problem with the picture. Did you actually check all the things I listed in my analysis? Herd's suit is not even mottled from the sun rays. All that sunshine on Brother Buttkiss, and not even the slightest bit on Herd's right arm. I am no FBI phot expert, but sheesh...

    Someone find me a high-res pic and I will find someone to examine it.

    It's been done before, remember?

  • Apognophos

    This other set of photos obviously shows blatant manipulation (though I think we still don't know where these were printed).

    But that doesn't change the fact that the service bag is glossy and is reflecting the environment, and you're just looking at the bottom of it. However, I do agree that Herd seems oddly close to him and it's strange that there's no sunlight on him.

  • Tech49

    It's photoshopped, guaranteed. When I first saw this photo in print, I had to laugh...In addition to DATA-DOG's original analysis, here is what I noticed right away:

    The colors on Sam are too rich, and pure. Colors on his LEFT hand, holding the brown briefcase, are too rich and highlighted. The bag itself is rich, brown, and bright. With the sun coming from the left of the photo ( shadow of fence on ground, and shadows in brother's clothing), his hand and bag would be very dark, and in shadow. Brother on left is blotchy with sun spots, and washed out with the brightness. Sam has ZERO rays of sunshine on his dark blue suit. He is being lit up from front and our right. Big giveaway. Note, too, that Sam is actually IN FRONT of the other brother. They cannot be side-by-side, as they would be touching, or even stumbling over each other. Sam would be about 1 pace, maybe arms-length ahead of other brother. So brother on left, in turning his head to his left, is NOT in fact looking at Sam, but would rather be looking BEHIND Sam. (side note: There is no hidden, flopping shoulder belt on his briefcase... it would be attached to the loop at the front of the bag, plainly visible). Green "grassy shrub" at foreground, front right is added to hide photoshop removal of unknown original person. This photo would be ALL in focus, and the foreground bush would NOT be fuzzy. I noticed too, as did DATA-DOG, the messed up background BEHIND Sam, that happens when you try to remove and replace someone else, then try and blend the tree leaves back together.

    I am not an expert in any way, but I think it's obvious that this a pretty feeble attempt to show that the Pope-lets are just as busy in the D2D work as the Rank & File!

    Now move along, nothing to see here......

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • RottenRiley

    D.D. it looks like a case of PhotoShop, what's the reason to lie about the preaching work? Ray Franz Jr. (a Governing Body Member) was very clear when he said only a few of the Governing Body felt they were obligated to Preach the Bible from door-to-door, the rest had problems attending Meetings and played hookey from Monday and Wed Night Meetings, Ray Franz had no reason to lie about the lack of zeal his fellow GB Members showed towards the Good News, just like the Pharisees, the GB want the most prominent spots at the table, don't want to lower themselves to attend Kingdom Halls unless it's a Grand Opening, we have more than enough evidence to support the majority of the GB don't preach from door-to-door.

    St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John and all the other Apostles got rolled! If they saw how the Governing Body live, they would ask Jesus "Hey, I thought we were not suppose to play the role of king and priest until we got to Heaven, why are these guys living like gods?"

    James Wood commented on this topic, he too discovered there were GB Members shirking off their duty and acting sluggish with the Preaching Work, I can't wait for Jesus Christ to judge these Hypocrites! Tellings us to preach the good news when they are too busy, why do you think the COs take so many breaks, they are not motivated to preach either!

  • Vidiot

    RottenRiley - " the Governing Body fly First Class or Coach?...I am leaning on Coach because I think they are so humble, they would be like the Prophets of Isreal and only use the bare minimum of the Lord's assets to cover their flights around the World."

    There is no f**king way they ride coach. You're being sarcastic, right?

  • wasblind


    Next thing you know, they'll Photo shop Sam Herd

    in the midst of lions tigers and bears



    Layin' claim that the angels got his back



    The only ones who won't buy that tale

    are the one's who been mauled

    while in field service



  • jonahstourguide

    Yep use and re-use of photoshopped pics and illustrations happens.

    The study article illustration on page 17 of dec 15 2013 mag is a re-do

    of an illustration in the "learn from the great teacher book" page 194.

    Can't quite get on top of pasting stuff just yet.

    I guess with photos it evokes thoughts of misrepresentation.

  • Listener

    To feel the need to publish a photo, even a fake one, of their popes witnessing, speaks volumes in itself.

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