Why JW assemblies NEED to change

by kneehighmiah 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    JWs need a boring talk for any event. Build a Kingdom Hall, give a talk. Get married,another talk. Get baptized, a talk. Eat lunch during an RBC project, an "encouraging" talk. Mts graduation(or whatever it's called this week), multiple talks.

  • Fernando

    People who fully embrace the free gift of faith cannot be controlled anymore by an illegitimate, authoritarian and apostate ruling religious clergy class.

    The Watchtower's strategy to keep people from knowing about the free gift of faith, and receiving it, is relatively simple:

    • Redefine faith to mean religious belief.

    • Truncate and obfuscate the liberating, explicit, naked and unabridged gospel, until it is impotent.

  • LisaRose

    This is what I heard at one convention that helped push me out:

    Are you regular in service, if not, why not?

    If you are regular in service, can you auxiliary pioneer, if not, why not

    If you auxiliary pioneer, can you regular pioneer, if not, why not

    If you regular pioneer can you special pioneer, if not, why not.

    Very upbuilding, right? just thought "what do they guilt the special pioneers about?" I had an aha moment, the whole point was to keep you feeling "not good enough". I couldn't see the point in it. I now know it is cult indoctrination, you need to feel worthless, it makes you think you need them to save your worthless self.

  • Markw1509

    I remember assemblies as being events where young witnesses would fill their social calendars with events and parties before having to endure mind-numbing sessions that would test the patience of Job, before flirting again with other young witnesses.

    it was the only thing they could do to eleviate the boredom. If the society had one iota of emotional intelligence, they would understand how humans are unable to concentrate for more than 15-20 minutes without a change or break, or different form of input.

    someone has to tell WT that hour after hour of lecture is not conducive to learning. All it does is numb the brain receptors and turn the person into a robotic automaton.

    Ah...so there's method in the madness!!

  • carla

    Kneehigh, sounds like you would appreciate a Christian church.

    "Paul tells us in Romans and Galatians that the purpose of the law was to remind us of our sinful nature. Now that the law has been abolished we are supposed to focus on faith. Why aren't we doing this at assemblies?"

    Forgive me but you don't sound like a jw at all (I have never been a jw, married to a later convert). My jw claims he is not a sinner, just original sin from Adam. jw's are not 'intentional' sinners according to him. Oh sure, he needs to do more according the borg but glad he's not like us regular sinners I guess.

    Why aren't we doing this at assemblies?- because jw-ism is not about faith, God, Jesus or Grace and forget the Holy Spirit they fired the Holy Spirit years ago and He is not needed when they have the gb in NY to take His place. The entire cult is based on 'what have you done for us lately? it's not enough'. They keep the flock so busy running around in fs, following silly rules, judging non jw's, underling and parroting the wt's, shunning family and not allowing natural affections that the rank and file have no time to think about God, the Bible, or Christ and what the message of Christ truly is.

  • jgnat

    What they really need (and I hope they are not listening) is drop the lecture format completely and acknowledge that this is the chief social outlet for Witnesses, and the best opportunity for singles to find a suitable match. So they should be breaking out in to workshops based on interest, and have socials through the evening. Parties. Games. One keynote address from a Bethel Bigwig, and everyone goes home happy.

  • Ding

    The Watchtower Society is a law system -- rules, regulations, private reproof, public reproof, and disfellowshipping.

    And it's always the same message.

    Maybe in the future they will package it in terms of telling you what your goals are and how to meet them -- to obey the faithful and discreet slave better, to do a lot more field service, attend more meetings, avoiding being ruined by a worldly education, etc.

  • KateWild

    someone has to tell WT that hour after hour of lecture is not conducive to learning. All it does is numb the brain receptors and turn the person into a robotic automaton.-markw1509

    This is actually a strategy used to indoctrinate members. This form of indoctrination can be likened to hypnosis. Even if a member falls asleep, the information going in affects their day to day lives and they remember what they have been taught about serving the human leaders.

    This is a cult and their methods are dangerous because they work.

    Kate xx

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That's it eh. It works, and this is why so many decent people, people who ate basically good and wanting to do the right thing, ate trapped by these bastards.

  • CWstudy

    The last assembly I went to I traveled with, and sat with, a couple that was pretty solid in the so called truth. I can recall how they clapped at every announcement and took page after page of notes during the talks and I can remember when I used to do the same.

    When you're brainwashed by the WT you actually look forward to the assemblies and you enjoy getting those massive doses of so called "spiritual food." But once you start to come out of the coma, and you start to suspect TTATT the assemblies slowly become unbearable.

    The assemblies don't need to change they need stop all together. We need to work on reaching as many of those still stuck in that cult with TTATT that we can so that the numbers decline to a point were the assemblies and all the other creepy stuff they do comes to a halt once and for all.

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