Well, the Papacy has been around for millenia and the Catholic Church has proved itself to be very adaptable. By contrast, the JW corporate body (i.e., the Watchtower Society) was first organized into a publishing corportation in the 1870s - which makes it relatively 'young'. Perhaps as the decades roll by, the organization may see the need to adapt more?
Why JW assemblies NEED to change
by kneehighmiah 36 Replies latest jw friends
The Shakers didn't adapt.
Men and women...... even married couples slept in separate dormitories. No sex ever...... everyone was celibate and lived a communal life style.
Why didn't they survive? "Membership in the Shakers dwindled in the late 19th century for several reasons: people were attracted to cities and away from the farms; Shaker products could not compete with mass-produced products that became available at a much lower cost; and Shakers could not have children, so adoption was a major source of new members. This continued until orphanages were established and the states began to limit adoption by religious groups."
Why are Christian Scientists diminishing? because with modern medicine, it's not attracting many. They are dying out because they are dying off.
Today the Society faces many challengers one of the most important is the answer to that old "But where would I go?" The answer is now you go to the internet and places like jwfacts.org or this site and you learn about the societies failings. And you learn how to exit and rebuild your life.
If indeed 67% of born ins are leaving...... the WTBTS will be going the way of other religions which had a level of success presenting the fashionable nonsense of a past era.
giordano 67% leaving? Very interesting. Where did you get that number?
Well said, Giordano.
4thgen, I believe that 67% was derived from the Pew Religous Landscape Survey.
I think a proper interpretation of the data is that 67% of Jehovah's Witnesses at any time are made up of converts. Only 33% of the congregation is made up of "born-in" members. With a growth rate of 1-2%, that's a lot of missing children.
Very good thread. If you ask anybody that went to the assembly, they will reply with a blank stare. People don't listen anymore because is the same always the same.
Is there any evidence that attendances at conventions is declining?