Seeds of Doubt
What was it about the JW religion that first gave you serious doubts as to its “truthiness?”
For me it occurred in late 1984 when we were studying the brochure “The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever” which had been released at the summer convention that year. I had been baptized a year earlier and was still in the “unshakeable faith in the leaders” phase.
One of the sections talked about the pronunciation of the name and how some complain that it should be “Yahweh”. That issue never did bother me. I always chuckled when someone would argue that there was no “J” in Hebrew and a few minutes later would refer to “Jesus.”
However what did begin to bother me was the introduction of “Jehovah” in the New Testament. The brochure stated truthfully that there were no known existing manuscripts from the very early church era that contained the name. They all used “Kyrios” which was rendered “Lord” in English.
The Society insisted that the name was there, however the scribes of the early church allowed the Jewish superstition of avoiding saying the name cloud their thinking and eventually all references to Jehovah were removed from the New Testament.
This did not sit well with me. How could the most high being, who seemed to place a lot of importance on us knowing his name, allow mere man to erase his personal identity from all early church documents. That just did not make sense.
Then I began to look at the translations of the New Testament in Hebrew that were cited in the appendix of the New World Translation. Perhaps there was some hope to be found there
So I went to the library a few weeks later and did some of my own research. I looked up a couple of these Hebrew translations and discovered that these had done just what the translators of the New World Translation had done. They had taken the manuscripts containing “Lord” and rendered it as YHWH.
However, unlike the NWT, the Hebrew versions were more consistent in their rendering of “Lord.” They used it in passages like Philippians 2:11 so if you translated it back into English it would read “and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is YHWH, to the glory of God the Father. “
When I asked an elder about this he stated that “Those Hebrew versions were correct in ‘restoring’ Jehovah’s name to the Greek scriptures however they let the prevailing Trinitarian mindsets of the day to cloud their good judgment.”
This issue caused the first crack in my spiritual armor. I tried to put it to the back of my mind but it would always pop back in from time to time. As the years progressed I began to discover other types of waffling and questionable methods of reasoning as well as outright misrepresenting of others when using their writings for quotes.
What caused the first cracks in your armor?