Someone told me today that at the annual meeting something was said along the lines that, we do not need to be like the Boreans and search that everything is true because we know we have the truth. Can anyone confirm this?
The Annual Meeting Quote
by confusedandalone 22 Replies latest jw friends
I don't have the quote. But this same thought is expressed in the publications - that the Boreans, before they became Christians, examined the scriptures thoughly as proof. After they were baptised, according to the WT, they no longer had the desire to research or question their new religious faith.
What I recall was the comment from Gerrit Lösch when he said we don't need to test the faith itself, we should test ourselves to be sure that we are in the truth.
This was during the WT study
If this doesn't wake some of the sheeples up then nothing will.
To the GB, the WT religion is the truth so there's no need to test it.
YOU are the one that needs testing...
These prophets were like the Bereans of Paul's day...are jws encouraged to diligently search the teachings of the WTS? BTW, this 2/15/1981 article and articles like it applying Acts 17:11 this way are found during the time the so-called apostasy broke out at Bethel. Note what the WTS said in 1979. What about 30 years later in 2009? So doesn't the WTS tell its members things that are new...shouldn't jws examine them carefully...hasn't the WTS been wrong in the past...isn't their everlasting life depending on the information being accurate?
*** w81 2/15 p. 18 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? ***How shall we view the spiritual food provided by this “faithful and discreet slave”? Should it be viewed critically—‘Oh, well, it might be true but then again it might not be and so we have to scrutinize it very critically’? Some apparently have felt that way about it. To support their way of thinking they have quoted Acts 17:11, which says of newly interested persons at Beroea: “Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.” But does this mean that those Beroeans were looking for flaws in the message they were hearing, or that their attitude was one of doubting? Does this set a precedent for regarding critically the publications brought forth by the “faithful and discreet slave,” with a view to finding fault? Not at all!*** w79 7/1 pp. 24-25 par. 20 Who Really Have the Truth? ***An impartial investigation of God’s Word, comparing it to the teachings and practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses, will provide the evidence that God’s spirit is indeed backing them, and that he is using them as his instrument for proclaiming truth today. However, all persons who have a love for the truth are invited to examine this claim that Jehovah’s Witnesses really do have the truth. In doing so, they should imitate what those persons in the first century did who listened to the preaching of the apostles: “They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.”—Acts 17:11
*** w09 2/1 p. 21 You Are Warmly Invited ***In most congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the public talk is followed by the Watchtower Study, a one-hour question-and-answer discussion of a Bible subject. This meeting encourages those in attendance to follow the example of the Beroeans in Paul’s day, who “received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures.”—Acts 17:11.
I like the onw where Splane is "exsplaning" the new F&DS new light. To seal the deal he (representing the Governing Body) says, "we just love this idea!"
P.S. And the JW audience just clapped like brain dead cultists with no questions asked.
". . . because we know we have the truth. Can anyone confirm this?"
See this thread. The Society doesn't want you confirming anything. They've already done so.
Take Care
There was a quote like that. Let me look for it. I had to go to the AGM....
Can't find it. I know what you are referring to. One of the GB talked about the Boreans, and said something like, " That does NOT mean we question what we receive from the Slave, or question the "truth." We already know we have the "truth." They basically took the scripture out of context and twisted it around to mean, " Others should question their religious beliefs, but we shouldn't."
So it's standard WTBTS double-speak. LOL!! It's like saying, " When I told you to examine all things, I didn't mean to include my words!" They have made the FDS=GB, and the "evils slave" of the same parable merely hypothetical. Then they blatantly twist the scriptures and tell the R&F to NEVER examine what they say. No need to look at the man behind the curtain.