RBC accident report paperwork on jwleaks? why does it matter if elder

by ?me? 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ?me?

    on one of the recent BOE letters, they sent a RBC form to document any accidents on the jobsite. there is a portion to check if the injured person was an elder, pioneer, MS, etc...

    WHY DOES THIS MATTER? what does that have to do with anything? there has got to be something about it.

    had a discussion with a sister who is on the "safety crew", flat out told her "i hate the safety crew, it is not necessary" they are getting crazy about safety even on finished halls that are just getting new paint and floor coverings. then they have the idea to have a 40 year old woman who has never even worked out side her house, how I am supposed to do my job safely , which i get paid to do 50+ hours a week for the last 3 decades.???

    funny how the unskilled men and women love to be there instead of service and tell everyone they "HELPED"

    NO, we are patronizing you by letting you try to do what i do, or get a tool for me or pick up my trash so you can feel good aboout yourself.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    No mature christian would sue.

  • mynameislame

    Does seem rather odd that they want to know your rank.

    I remember the quick builds when they were fun. Nothing more fulfilling that a Saturday off of service, hanging out and flirting with all the cute sisters in hard hats and workboots. Guess GB found out and people were enjoying themselves so they put a stop to it. Or maybe they found out the halls were built so poorly that it cut into the resale value.

    Anyone remember the story of the Mall that was taking a long time to complete and one of the politicians said "we should call it the kingdom hall mall and get the JWs down here to finish it"?

  • mynameislame

    ?me? where the link to that file?

  • mynameislame
  • mynameislame
  • problemaddict

    Thanks MNIL,

    That is a bit odd. Why would it matter if someone was titled differently if somone was injured?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    That way they can take you down a notch if you sue. Also, as an elder perhaps you should've "known" the safety rules and not get hurt, therefore it's your fault, less liability for them.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    The "rank" of the person who was injured might give them an idea of how credible the claim is and what strategy they might use to thwart any payout.

    It also might give them data as to who is getting hurt so they can identify any pattern that indicate needed safety changes. Is it the high ranking supervisors or the worker bees, who are getting hurt or is it the low ranking publisers, or is it the foolish young ones who are given work that should be done by more experienced workers ?

  • JeffT

    I wouldn't make too much of it. I've done a lot of HR work over the years and this more or less like similar forms I've used at private businesses. A lot of this is probably driven by OSHA regs and various Labor and Industries rules. An injured person's position in a company may be relevant to an accident (please explain why the accountant was was on the roof). In this case they're just collecting some information about the person's position in the org.

    As far as having safety people on site, that makes sense. If the building inspector comes by you need to be able to point to the person that is making sure safety regs are being followed. That person may not have to do much more than check a box that says everybody is wearing their hard hat, or the guys on the roof are roped off.

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