Yep, the attendants so lovingly take the choice seats for themselves, their in-laws, late-comers (because they're studying), best buds who contact them on social media so they can leisurely pick up a McD breakfast. Of course I should mention the enterprising young pioneer brother who will camp out at the front door of the venue (a la Black Friday at Best Buy) with his track shoes so he can be the first to throw Watchtowers down on the good seats.
Amusing line in April 2014 KM
by respectful_observer 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why use Watchtowers to hold the seats, of all things? Why do people bring them to the conventions? Something to read in their spare time?
If I was still stuck in the borg, I'd be tempted to use more creative items:
- maxi pads (bonus if you could find some from the 1970s with the belts)
- McDonald's napkin (with the words "approved headcovering" scrawled on it)
- adult undergarments
finally awake
I always hated trying to find decent seats. If we didn't arrive as soon as the doors opened, we were screwed. But then we had an hour and a half wait before the program started, which was hell with small children. Once, when I was very pregnant, we were stuck in the center of a very long row. I'm fat enough as it is, but pregnant I could barely fit down the row. None of the people sitting in the row had the decency to give me room to pass. I spent a lot of time crying in the ladies room.
Why use Watchtowers to hold the seats, of all things? Why do people bring them to the conventions?
The Watchtower gets considered on Sunday, remember? More importantly, magazines are better draping material. It's hard to drape a Bible over a folded-up seat. You can balance it there, sure. Then some fat body comes along through the aisle and their butt brushes against the Bible and it falls into the seat crack, and what do you get? You come back to the seat you thought you'd reserved, and there's some strange family sitting there because they didn't see your seat was marked, and their little brat is sitting on your Bible like the snot-nosed idiot that he is. But I digress.
I remember when the Dubs used to hold the District Assembly in the early 70's at a stadium in Jersey City, NJ, for all four days the way we found our seats was to say "I see you're saving these, but when the people come, we will leave" , needless to say the folks for ALL four days never came and we never had to change our seats.
Haha, that was clever, ShirleyW. That ever-expected group must have been the Godot family.
Why use WTs to save seats? Because no one in their right mind would take it. Duh!
We do not participate in worldly wars but, by God, no one's beating me to the best seats in the house.
On the plus side, any thinking person who harbors the delusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's chosen people will find that delusion severely tested by observing the Witnesses' self-focused behaviour during conventions.
Julia Orwell
It always annoyed me no end that business about saving seats only for your car group or family. I always went by myself on the bus and had no jw family so technically I had to wander around and find a seat by myself. Someone always saved me one though, because everyone thought it harsh that not only did I have to go by myself but I couldn't sit with a friend either! Very occasionally someone in my cong would offer me a lift to the dc with their family, omg look how loving the organization is!!!
We had the thing at a C.A where they roped off some seats up in the "God's", because the main part of the Hall used to have empty seats for the speaker to look out on, poor sap.
One young Bro undid the ropes and sat his little family down where they always sat, and then saved a load of seats for his extended family. When remonstrated with by the power fuelled Attendant who had roped it off, said Bro said to him "Go and Get the D.O, I'll discuss it with him"
Silly boy Attnendant went and got the D.O ! He smiled at our little family, and told the attendant to take all his ropes down. LOL