Amusing line in April 2014 KM

by respectful_observer 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    I never want to sit in any of their seats ever again.

    It seems rather daft to chase prime seats when one is only going to be force fed propaganda and spiritual poison.

  • punkofnice

    please to not rush to the seating area

    Are they suggesting that the CONvetions/a$$embĀ£ies are that exiting that the 'fans' rush in?

    Oh, puh-leeeeeese!

  • mynameislame

    I always went by myself on the bus

    Arguably you could have saved around 100 seats, one for each person in your vehicle.

    Seriously though what are the best seats? I always remember sitting in the upper section with all my friends.

    If I remember correctly each friend would save a section of seats for all of us then when we found each other we sould decide which one to choose.

    I still miss those cheese danish and think back misty eyed remembering the rock hard peaches in the bags for fruit. And all for only 7 tickets.

  • WTWizard

    Let them try roping off my "seat". Best part--anyone that is forced to attend (or, alternately, is stupid enough to attend) has their pick of seats without my taking one of them. Of course, that means I get to hear the program late May (or, sometimes mid May) instead of waiting until July or August. I also don't have to listen to the hounders guarding whatever.

    I also get to see what they are going after. In 2012, it was toy magick. In 2013, masturbation. What in 2014, the Internet now that astrology sites are starting to come up enough so a group of witlesses can throw a curse on the whole Governing Body?

  • respectful_observer

    If I was still stuck in the borg, I'd be tempted to use more creative items:

    • maxi pads (bonus if you could find some from the 1970s with the belts)
    • McDonald's napkin (with the words "approved headcovering" scrawled on it)
    • adult undergarments

    A brother I know was once an attendent at the DC and looked to see a sister tying one leg of pantyhose to one seat and stretching it across most of the row and tying it at the other. When he approached her and asked her to remove them she told him to "get stuffed".

  • steve2

    Saving seats at conventions is "payback" time for Witnesses who are just hopelessly worn down by being treated like naughty children. There is nothing quite so stupidly territorial - but understandable - as a zeal-struck Witness knowingly defying not just the organization's rules but basic good manners by grabbing and "defending" "their" seats. Look out sale-time chaos at Macy's.

  • losingit

    Steve2 It's the Jdub version of Black Friday lol

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    We always sat at the very tip top of the venue. No one is in a hurry for those seats. Except a few teens who want to

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