The bookstudy was my favorite meeting. I didn't have to dress up, always food afterwards with the friends, always great socializing. After they got rid of the book study, i barely commented at the meetings again. Brother Conductor always chose other elders, brothers or pioneers to comment . Cognitive dissonance kicked in big time. Fade to black soon followed.
Do you think not having the book study in private homes has had much effect?
by truthseeker 41 Replies latest jw friends
I moved to a new congregation just as I started my fade. I have no doubt this would have been much more work with a book study group keeping tabs on me.
I think most were happy for not having to dress up and go out yet another night. For the Organization, I think it relieved them of any possible suits they might have experienced if someone got hurt as it was an extension of the Kingdom Hall
I HATED the book study! I hated having to go to someone's home; I always begged the elders to assign me to the group that meets at the hall.
I had a book study at my house for awhile. People's kids would break stuff, and a few days after each meeting I'd notice little things missing. I finally told the elders I did not want to have it any more.
At least at the hall you can form your own clicks and sit with whoever you want. With the book study arrangement, you were assigned to a group. Your friends could be in other groups while you were stuck with idiots you didn't like.
And as far as goodie night....the book study was during the week. People have to get up for work and school the next day. Why sit around and chat with people who do not invite you to do stuff with them on Friday or Saturday night?
We had the bookstudy at our house growing up. I hated/loved it. I hated having to clean my room and the rest of the house (I was a brat), but it seemed less formal, and easy going. I loved it when we had dessert night. All my friends came to our book study and we used to play in my room afterwards.
I just re read my statement above and realised it was NOT about the study or the bible (which is unmentioned), but the friends and association. I left years ago when Bookstudy night was still in effect. I dreaded the meetings, but I dreaded this one less.
I too remember the Babylon the Great book (guess we are showing our age) and some other impossibly boring ones we studied in the 60's and 70's. Yes, goodie night was the best and we got closer to the ones in our group. I also remember it being drilled into everyone how important attendance at the book study was because that is where we would get vital instructions when the tribulation began, if we had to go underground or became disconnected from others, and if we missed a week we would be putting ourselves in danger by missing these vital instructions. We could go to the Kingdom Hall and it would be boarded up, but since we missed the book study we would not know what to do or where to go next. LOL Guess that's not so important anymore.
I think it's had a huge effect on the love and warmth that used to be among the friends. You really can't get to know anyone too well at the Kingdom Hall since there's usually too many people and too formal. I loved goodie night and the fact that it was only 1 hour and much more informal and relaxed. On the other hand, it's given people an extra night off away from the org and we know they are not doing family worship so the control is weaker, so that's good.
Doubting Bro
In most places the CBS was the worst attended meeting. If you were going to eliminate anything, that's the one you had to eliminate. Plus, it really didn't make them any money since very few contributed there and caused extra work. I'm still convinced they "combined" the midweek meeting for 2 reasons:
1) To allow the stacking of more congregations in KHs (less weeknights to schedule= maximizing the # of congregations you can fit)
2) decreasing # of elders to conduct.
So, how has the family worship night been working out? Is this another guilt ridden night with no tv?