What was your mild superpower?

by sparrowdown 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrowdown

    I am in awe of the level of intelligence, wit and funnybones that alot of you posess.

    Which made me wonder, did you have a mild superpower while you were in?

    For instance was it giving talks, commenting, research? maybe it was pissing people off (a much underated skill)

    I understand modesty may prevent some of you from owning up to anything but please don't hold back, Im really interested.

    Also is this still an aspect of your personality now?

    Don't be shy. It's time to shine.

    cheers everyone


  • Phizzy

    I used to be modest and shy, but now I am perfect LOL

    I have always had the ability to speed read, that, coupled with an excellent memory (then more than now !), meant I could simply skim things and give "great" answers. I rarely looked at a W.T before the actual study.

    A number of times I gave talks on the TMS , even 15 minute Instruction talks with literally a few minutes notice, one such I "prepared" during the opening song, and then got up and gave it.

    Because these skills were known I was often asked to "volunteer" when other Bros had not turned up, thinking about it, what a twit I was, i should have hid my light under a bushel. I bet the Bro who should have done the talk was at home watching T.V with a drink in his hand !

    Not something I ever thought of as a mild super power, but it was damned useful, the same skillset, to be able to think on my feet, and Bull***t my way through things has been useful since I left, occasionally.

  • Fernando

    Nothing comes to mind, but it was as if someone had switched on really bright lights once I was granted the free gift of faith and began to reject religion as antithetical to faith and spirituality.

  • mynameislame

    I think mine was being able to sit through entire meetings and assemblies without listening to a word. I never knew how boring those meetings were till I got DFed and had nothing to do but listen. Although that may be why I stayed around as long as I did.

  • rayelynnlee

    I was great at talks (no 2). After my first talk the guy in charge of the school actually asked if I had ever done acting in school or anything, I was that natural on stage. It took all my self control not to tell him I acted every time I was in there...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I could read many grades above my own. Of course, it stopped at some point in time. I can read very quickly, too. The WT lit is too boring for me to read it. I skim it. I could not see the point of preparing anything when we read it again at the WT study. The same situation presented itself in law school. Part of me is obsessive so I did prepare. I would sigh so loud my whole body would shake. My classmates used to laugh at me. No one else was preparing for class, either. The faculty decided that only five people had to prepare for class. We were assigned based on our seating plan. I always thought the WT should run the same way.

  • Crazyguy

    Even before I learned ttatt, I think I was able to understand what christ and the bible was really saying with regards to love and how to treat people. A lot of people in the hall like my comments because of this but other hated them.

  • FadeToBlack

    Not sure if it qualifies as SP (even mild) but I managed to get thru it all with nobody being pissed-off at me. Same in the corporate world. Actually, now that I said that, it sounds like a weakness. Who knows...

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    When my life was calm, I was able to memorize important articles from the Watchtower and remember the page number, which day, month, year, left or right side of the page, top or bottom the article was written on and what it was about in details. I was able to do this with a lot of subjects. Memorize them and ticker-tape them out.

    Does anyone know the old movie called "Gaslight"?

    From that psycho thriller, there is a medical term that derived from that movie. It is called "gas-lighting".

    My now ex, shone at gas-lighting me.

    He deliberately, systematically destroyed my self confidence and self worth.

    It has been very, very hard to regain it back.

    I used to be very "bubbly" and out-going. As a wife and sister in the congo , I was an asset.

    I could be counted on to volunteer to give last minute student talks, have the speaker and family over for a meal or take them out to a restaurant.

    My car was always available to help anyone, young or old. I helped sisters from the KHall, with their house, garden, children.

    I would buy a Get Well card and make sure everyone signed it, so nobody in my Hall felt left out. I cooked dinners and delivered them to the sick or made cakes for those having special "days".

    I visited the elderly, the shut-ins, even those in dementia wards in the Hospital.

    Like an executive wife, I helped my ex, in social settings, where I shone, and he didn't.

    I looked good on his arm, and made him seem much better than he ever was.

    I encouraged and befriended the sweet introverts, to join in and be part of the "group".

    But my faith in so many things, was shipwrecked.

    I have been through the mill, and got vomited out.

    I can't change anything from my past, but I can learn from it and move on.

    I am very happy to be alive and have this great chance to live my life FREE without WT control.

    I am interested in so many things, and "normal" people are wonderful.

    It is a wonderful, beautiful world out there, that will keep going past my lifetime, and for many, many more years to come.

    I wish us all joy, happiness and love.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wow... I wrote 19 "I's". I am sorry, if that offends anyone. lol

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