What was your mild superpower?

by sparrowdown 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    Good memory, speed reader, so able to skim mags and give answers without prestudying. Gave impromptu talks when asked (sister talks of course, fake little demos). Best annotated bible around, cross-referenced in great detail. No one knew I did that sort of stuff out of tremendous mind-blowing boredom. When I left the wtbts someone actually asked for my bible. It was fun to say I had donated my books to a thrift store. Should have just trashed them.

  • LisaRose

    I was was good at being invisible.

  • problemaddict

    I was the talk guy. Hands down. In retrospect, it was pretty easy to impress. Now I have to appear before professionals and make presentations. I can't get away with phoning in the facts anymore! :)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was able to fall right in line with Watchtower logic (missing the essence of true logic) and deliver an entertaining public talk that logically showed how "we" are right.

  • sparrowdown

    It is obvious to me everyone has something to bring to table.

    I have always been more of an arty /creative type and those skills were definitely frowned upon as being suspect. I remember when I won an award for my artwork and the exhibition went on a statewide tour and ended up on the website of the arts council I thought they were going to burn me at the stake. Very "unbecoming a christian behavior" but I thought "screw you there's no crime against art".

    In the cong however I could never do the mental gymnastics required to understand the finer points of their doctrine.

    Faith to me was a matter of the heart not the head. That didn't win me friends either.

  • rebel8

    I was a supersmeller.

    I could smell bullshit a mile away.

  • sparrowdown

    nice, rebel8 kind of like the mentalist

  • Bobcat


    I feel for you. I also learned that as far as the WT goes, you are only as good as your last deed, your last comment, your last talk, your last opinion. Whatever you did/say/think last is how the WT views you. Many years of past loyalty, good deeds, etc, mean nothing if your most recent one does not conform to the party line.

    Take Care

  • prologos

    I thrive on novelty. I could find, within 5 minutes, in a newly received magazine,- while the meeting is droning on, any new nuance, or the slightest shift,*- (drop the 'f' if you want to)-* in wt doctrine, and to anoy the other 'teachers' in the congregation by exitedly pointing it out.

    It helped too to spice up the talks at DAs that came my way because of the work we did in the departments. that was before strictly manuscript talks.

    Of course with a compulsion to look only for the fresh and new, that helped, when starting to fade, to finally to get some financial foothold, traction through innovation in my given trade.

    after 80 years of this, I am pleased to be able to identify at least one new thought, pun, connection coming from my mind per day, spontaneously. Failing that,

    there is always reading like here or listening. to worthwile stuff, obviously not at 'the hall'

    * there is the fun moment of the day that came out of nowhere.

  • DJS

    Being able to separate attractive young women from their underwear. No wait, that was my superpower AFTER the Borg. (Just kidding) I would say that I developed an ability, which was one of the primary things that led me out of the Borg, to very quickly identifiy controlling language. And the Borg's writing and their henchmen, I mean elders (of which I was one), COs and DOs used language to control on an almost constant basis.

    I still have crazy super human powers when it comes to quickly recognizing when someone is trying to control, manage or manipulate through words, whether written or spoken.

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