“heavensgate11”: “How about the hate speeches given here at the JWN community . . . Only JWN Ex Witnesses are allowed to use profanity, . . .”
Think of it this way: If (theoretically) I were to scream and/or swear in someone’s face, that would generally be considered abusive and provocative behavior. Right? Right. Now, let’s say that the other person has just deliberately stomped as hard as he/she could on my toes. Let’s say I then screamed in the person’s face, maybe even using profanity. (I might scream something like, “What the f[iddlestick] did you do that for!?”) Now, in this case also, I’m screaming or even swearing in someone’s face. Can you spot the difference?
In this second hypothetical scenario, I am also acting in a way which would generally be considered abusive and provocative, but, this time the person has just stomped as hard as he/she could on my toes – so, in this particular instance, I am merely reacting in a natural and understandable, and to some extent even involuntary, way.
So, can you see the connection here? There are a variety of folks on this Web site, many of whom having had a wide range of experiences with the Watchtower religion, many of which being negative and hurtful. Now, when people are hurt, they naturally, and also have the right to, react by venting their emotional pain, indignation, and frustration. And, being in the free and democratic society in which we live, we can and should expect that such ones, having been ignominiously victimized, can and will express their pain and frustration. Moreover, this forum and others like it are thus appropriate and practical avenues for this expression. And to that end, being able to express one’s pain as such is cathartic, therapeutic, and efficacious, as it relieves the pain of the individual through the sharing of it among others of similar experience.
So, what may seem to you, “heavensgate11,” as being “hate speeches” on here is actually what simply amounts so people saying “Ouch!” when their toes have been painfully stomped on. Such ones need and deserve understanding. After all, it really does hurt!