Why Jehovah's Witnesses qualify as a Hate Group

by Watchtower-Free 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I was trying to think of Heavensgate11 in term of where he has been, is and will be as far as commenting on JWN is concerned. Is Heavensgate11 an active JWs?

    Assuming that is the case, would Heavensgate11 be permitted to comment here on JWN?

    Do the Wachtower encourages the likes of Heavensgate11 to express their opinion on apostate discussion boards like JWN?.....Scott77

    Your absolutely right Scott77..

    If HG11 is an Active Loyal WBT$ JW.....The WBT$ doesn`t want him here..

    He`s being openly disobedient to an organization,he thinks we should all be obedient to..

    Hypocracy from a Person who follows WBT$ Hypocrites?!.....We shouldn`t be surprized..LOL!!..

    I think it`s good Anti-WBT$ Advertising.....It shows the Sort of People the WBT$ Produces..

    Thats why I like Heavens Gate11 posting on JWN..

    ...................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Scott77
    OUTLAW: It shows the Sort of People the WBT$ Produces..

    Right, I got it. Hi HG11, Do not feel bad for being one of those people, its the WBT$ to blame.


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Outlaw is right - HG11 is entitled to his opinion however misguided and delusional. The WBTS declared war on Apostates, so it is not surprising that the Apostates fight back. However, one of our purposes is to try to start a dialogue with people like HG11 to help him to realise TTATT. He is a victim of the GB like everyone else on JWN, it is just he doesn't realise it yet. We are a support group for victims.

  • punkofnice

    I got the feeling HG11 has left the building.

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