New Article on about gay people

by ateograciasadios 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ateograciasadios

    OK, sometimes I go to just to laugh a bit about the 'food at the proper time', and I would like to know what people think of this hillarious article 'Am I attracted to the same sex. Does that mean I am Gay?'

    This has to be one of the most remarkable pieces of logic (last paragraph of the article).

    The Bible’s stand is not unreasonable. It simply directs those with homosexual urges to do the same thing that is required of those with an opposite-sex attraction — to “ flee from fornication. ” ( 1 Corinthians 6:18 ) The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible’s standards employ self-control despite any temptations they might face. Those with homosexual inclinations can do the same if they truly want to please God. — Deuteronomy 30:19 .

    It makes me mad because my brother, also a born in, told me he's bisexual, and does not know what to do with himself. So, I guess this is the higher education he's getting.

  • ateograciasadios

    By the way, notice that the 16 year old sister interviewed in the article says she how and where she understood how hormones work..... wait, a biology class???? How do we pick when science is correct? of course, when there is the slightest chance to accomodate scientific facts to my teology, then it is OK. But do not listen to science when it tries to explain things that go outside my minuscule understanding of the universe and life.

  • cookiemaster

    Yeah, well they claim in the latest Awake that none their teachings(Bible's teachings in their own words) contradict science. Which an obvious lie. But that's not surprising since it's what they do. And how can one not lol at their title 'Am I attracted to the same sex. Does that mean I am Gay?'. Well duh !


    Why would GOD allow people to be gay and then judge them for it? Also, I have heard this line of reasoning before. It's the WTBTS's new politically correct stance on homosexuals. They are really trying to project the view that THEY are not judging you for being gay. It's okay to be a non-practicing gay. I know of a convention speaker who is a gay man that married a sister.

    The WTBS is trying to appear as mainstream as possible and still be separate from "false religion." They don't want JW kids committing suicide because they are gay either. So they are toning down the homophobia. As long as you marry a member of the opposite sex or stay single for life, it's all good.



    Are you gay if you have a strong feminine side but still like girls? Would you be a lesbian trapped in a man's body? Wait an minute. If you had a female persona trapped in a man's body, and you liked girls, then you would be gay. If you like boys then you would be straight. So people are being judged on their outtward physical appearance... So what happens when science proves that a female mind can inhabit a male body and gay marriage is legalized?? Oh man, this is confusing.


  • yalbmert99

    What about hermaphrodites(intersexed)? Will the watchtower allow them to marry a man or a woman? Would it be homosexuality for both of the spouses?

  • TheListener

    Based on this article can a JW can be homosexual as long as they don't engage in homosexual activities? Is that really true? I've been out awhile but I don't remember that being the teaching.

  • Aroq

    yalbmert99, good question!!! Can they marry themselves?

  • mynameislame


    I was around through the 80s and, although I don't ever remember reading it officially, that was always my understanding.

    We did have a transgender coming to our hall for a while and they were told that to get baptised they would have to concede to being a man.
    Concede may not be the right word but they would have to live like a man. I forget what we did for restroom usage.

  • mynameislame

    Readng up a bit on intersex at

    Just an fyi it looks like hermaphrodite may now be considered derogatory. (soon to be "The H word")

    Never had any idea how many different varieties of this condition there are:

    Seems like this could pose quite a dilemma for religions with strict homosexuality biases.

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