Latest theory is that there was a structural crack underneath one of the transmitters on the roof of the plane that caused a slow depressurisation in the cabin leading to loss of consciousness and at the same time caused the air traffic communications to fail. Apparently other Boeing aircraft have ahd this problem. Interesting threory. Sounds plausible
Where Do You Think That Plane Is?
by minimus 175 Replies latest jw friends
That is interesting.
The jet is still missing with no evidence at this point found.
There is alot of people & technology searching for this jet and still nothing has been found.
The jet was inspected less than 2 weeks ago and deemed good.
The easiest explaination for the transponder is that it was turned off.
The co-pilot seems to have some shadey character flaws.
The authorities seem to now believe that the jet turned, flew back over Malaysia, and seems to have been over the Strait of Malacca.
The jet seems to have flown over a remote part of Malaysia where it would be less likely spotted.
The jet had enough fuel to make it to Bejing, so could have flown quite a distance anywhere.
The jet & contents are worth alot of money on the black market.
The jet passengers would be worth alot of ransom money.
I could be completely wrong, but barring alien abduction, or being lost in another dimension.....I think this was a crime.
Hopefully, they are found to still be alive or if they did crash & die that the wreakage is found soon.
Frazzled UBM
Alphaman - also very plausible. The only problem is the fact that after 5 days no one has made a ransom demand. Unless they think that by getting the relatives to believe they are dead, it will make it easier to get them to pay the ransom once they realise they are alive.
Iif it was terrorism, I think they would be bragging by now.
The biggest question to the disappearance of this flight has to be why didn't the flight crew notify to ground
that the plane was suffering from mechanical problems through radio communications ?
If it was having problems and needed to land close to a convenient airport, they would have made that notification.
These modern airliners have backup capabilities galore.
There are numerous things that could go wrong in a flight, even not fueling up enough before take off.
But the Pilot still has to notify ground communications to what the problem is and what they tend to do about it.
Based from the fact that the flight crew didn't communicate that they were in trouble leads toward the involvement of foul
Perhaps a passenger talked their way into the cock pit and tried to hijack the plane and the pilot and co-pilot were over
come and the hijacker couldn't fly the plane themselve.
or the other explanation would be that the plane was abruptly shot down by mistake by a unknown military force.
Frankly I don't think it went down over water there would have been debris discovered by now,
I think it went down over land, in some obscure rural area.
Latest theory is that there was a structural crack underneath one of the transmitters on the roof of the plane that caused a slow depressurisation in the cabin leading to loss of consciousness.
But there are backup alarms to abate a situation like that, everyone on the plane including the pilot has oxygen masks to put on.
Planes that did have its outer skin fall off during flight were still capable of landing.
And once again why didn't the pilot call in the problem ?
Could a small opening cause the plane to self destruct in mid-air before it could land,
assuming that radio communication was knocked out. ?
We must not be flippant when the lives of over 200 people are probably lost , with all the grief on their families....No doubt the thing came down and is on the ocean floor
Still.....the newscasts remind me of the old X Files series.!
It looks/feels like a movie.