It may have fallen in wrong hands and show up at upcoming the Nuclear Summit later this month.
Where Do You Think That Plane Is?
by minimus 175 Replies latest jw friends
Let it be known that if it did crash into the sea there would be visible debris floating around.
Being that there has been a broad base search in the most likely area, puts the possibility further
that it didn't crash into the sea but on land.
The likelihood of the plane having both mechanical problems as well radio problems is way out there.
When TWA 800 went down, did they have time to send a Mayday signal? Just asking.
AlphaMan reporting China satellite images MAY show some wreakage in the South China Sea closer to the original flight path where they said it veered off course.
I believe the plane incident occurred at night. Had the plane crashed on land, it is very possible that one of the numerous satellites (U.S., Russia, China) would have spotted a red flash. I'm certain they were tasked with looking for such. Crashing a plane straight into the ocean would unlikely result in a red fire ball. It would leave debris, but remember that each part of it is traveling at the same rate of speed. It would likely submerge before dispersing into a debris field. TWA 800, if I recall, was a mid-air conflagartion that occurred immediately and ripped the plane apart. That scenario, based on what we have been told, isn't close to being applicable to this flight. Of course what we have been told may be subject to accuracy.
I was just going to ask about satellite pics. Lately, it seems like the whole world is 'under surveilance', so I find it amazing that something that big could be 'lost' so completely. /:
Just saw a news blip - they do think they've found it in the sea. :,(
I looked under the sofa
.......and under the cushions
No matter how crazy the theories are, one of them will be true.
One of the things I have noticed regarding the theories proposed by CNN and others is that they all seem to be missing one important facet. If there was a problem noted by the crew/customers, someone - many someones would have tried repeatedly to communicate those problems. This plane does not appear to have conflagrated in mid-air. All the other scenarios provide sufficient time for the crew, who had many different types of communicationa available to them, and those flying - there had to be 300 plus cell phones in eager hands - to call someone or to keep trying to call someone. That is the compelling bit of data in this scenario. If it didn't conflagrate immediately, and it doesn't appear to have done so, then any scenario provides time for notification/communication.
Even the air presssure issue, similar I suppose to the Payne Stewart incident - is it reasonable to think that of the 400 people onboard none of them would have time to protect themselves and call/notify??? That jet would have been in cell tower range soon and a kagillion calls would have been made. At least one of them, it would seem, would have been received. And the latest on CNN indicates the debris field is close to the flight path, so a Payne Stewart type incident appears to be ruled out, but not difinitively. A plane in those conditions, flying via computer, could go a thousand miles or more.
Updates that I am hearing.....
The satellite image debris has not been found yet.
The jet engine maker (Rolls Royce) reports data from the engines indicate the jet flew for 4 hours after the flight tower lost contact with it.
Well it can't fly forever. It has to be on the ground somewhere.
Here is a crazy theory. There was an important Chinese nationionalist on board. The plane was hi-jacked using a new cloaking technology. The U.S is behind the whole thing. They don't want to pay their debt to China. The Chinese take-over of the U.S has just been delayed for 20 years. Jehovah made Obama do it to delay the BIG "A" so that the preaching work can continue. Warwick is behind schedule and there are more properties to sell. It just makes sense.