It must have been a brother!

by hoser 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hoser

    I was listening to a conversation of Jws recently about how trusting they are with each other and how out in "the world" you have to be ever so careful that you don't put down your purse or wallet for a minute otherwise it will be stolen.

    I entered the conversation with an experience that one of my close friends had. (True story) He was in a public place with a wallet with significant amount of cash and bank card, credit card, id, etc.

    Somehow he lost or misplaced the wallet, panicked of course. He went to the police, cancelled all his cards and thought it was gone for sure. the next day the police phoned him someone brought it in with nothing missing.

    When I told this to the Jws they said, well the person that returned it must have been a brother.

  • SecretHeart11

    lol. Is that why they annouce at assemblies and conventions that you shouldn't leave your valuables at your seat? My sister had her iPod stolen at a witness party.

  • hoser

    My understanding was that they made those kinds of announcements because someone off the street could come in and steal

  • ruderedhead


    I was ripped off at a KH in the 80's. A woman came in and sat behind me, I had a child that had to potty NOW, and I stupidly forgot my purse in my seat. It was gone when I got back, and so was the woman. I found out that no one knew her, but some had watched her take my purse, but didn't want to offend her by following her out to make sure she was taking it to me. They just assumed! IDIOTS! She got everyhting, including my car keys. My husband, a non jw, couldn't believe there was a building full of these goofballs!

  • LongHairGal

    hoser and ruderedhead:

    Years ago I heard about a JW party where trusting JWs left their handbags on a bed along with their coats (bad idea)...when it came time to leave later on, people found out all their bags had been gone through and money was taken from everybody.

    I would NEVER leave my bag unattended anywhere. My bag must be in the same room where I am and I don't care who it offends. If it bothers somebody, I'd have to ask myself why?

    I also had a new bible swiped at an assembly. My name was inside it. I later saw it in a sister's hands and I said "thank you, but that's mine!" and I took it out of her hands. Even when everybody stood for the song and prayer, my bag was on my arms because I would not leave it behind me on the seat!

    There are so many worthless and light-fingered JWs in the religion now that you should behave as though you were on the subway. Your chances are about the same to have something stolen.

    I also heard a story about somebody who went to a Witness wedding where the reception was held in some rented public hall. Everybody checked their coats. A JW lady who left at the end of the night and went to claim her nice coat was presented with a shapeless rag somebody switched for hers!! So much for trusting JWs, because that's who was manning the coat room.

    This is a sad but true commentary about the situation in the religion. Anybody who wants to believe otherwise, is living in a fool's paradise.

  • hoser

    I heard of power tools being stolen on RBC projects

  • SecretHeart11

    Hoser - I believe you're technically right. But just having a label doesn't make you trustworthy. In fact it makes you more susceptible to fraud since people seem to forego common sense when dealing with "fellow Christians". I knew Witnesses who found a gift certificate to a local cafe and thought it was perfect for their coffee breaks while doing their 30-hour Aux Pioneer. Still waiting for that to make it into the Yearbook, lol. I've had non-Witnesses be kind to me more often than my Witness friends who had to "get their time in" or "get home and prepare for the meeting".

    Ruderedhead - wow, seriously? No one stopped her? I would be so mad!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Most JWs simply can't wrap their head around the notion that there are good and honest people in the world. It doesn't fit their narrative of 'worldly' people. If they start thinking of them in those terms, the idea that God is going to annihilate them becomes far less palatable.


    When I told this to the Jws they said, well the person that returned it must have been a brother.

    .................................Conversations with Jehovahs Witnesses..


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    Welcome to the JW mind!!!



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