Wheels within wheels of celestial chariot? this FEATURE is discovered in our galaxy

by prologos 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    In today's 'astronomy picture of the day' are clearly shown rotating rings that move at 90 degrees and THROUGH each other. It is celestial, mysterious, entirely possible, and PHYSICAL. Luminous. Huge. and


  • Miss.Fit

    Do you have a link?

  • prologos

    I am pushing ninety (we all are) and dont,-- but somebody surely will. google nasa APOD --and

    I also begged outlaw to come with help

    BSW this might not be a NEW discovery, but it was news to me.

    we have moons orbiting in opposite direction in our solar system, but this meshing of matter is unique.

    "Nothing new Under the Sun", but certainly ABOVE.

  • sarahsmile

    Cool I am going to google it!

    Thanks for sharing. :-)

  • mynameislame
  • kepler

    Thanks for digging this one up. It's an interesting image.

    But when you look at it closely, you have to wonder whether it is in this galaxy ( e.g., a planetary nebula) or another galaxy. I went back back to the APOD site and it turns out that is another galaxy. NGC 2625 according to its catalog name, 40 million light years away and about 50,000 light years across. In Ursa Major, it should be visible off to the north somewhere near or within the Big Dipper.


    As to why there should be two spiral pattern? A merger of two galaxies? There is some discussion at the web page, but the spiral patterns are so clear it is tempting to think that one galactic image is imposed on top of the other - whereas in contact you would expect more disruption.

    Probably have to stay tuned...

  • Viviane

    This is not in our galaxy and it's not what is described in the Bible. Sorry.

  • prologos

    viviane thanks for the correction, I guess the text just showed where in relation to our galactic star pattern this far away galaxi can be viewed.

    and I did not intend to imply it has biblical significance, but

    matter rotating, meshing along two planes looks cool.

  • Listener

    It is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  • JustHuman14

    And it could be a real spaceship as well...

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