New requirement to be Recommended

by bruh2012 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bruh2012

    Per CO last night, he mentioned in his talk that in oder for a brother to be recommended as an elder or ministrial servant he MUST have a regular and meaningful family worship night. This will demostrate his willingness not to miss that important meeting and preside over his household.

    So I thought, WOW what a way to add to the "inspired" biblical list of qualifications.

    Serving Jehovah is sounding more and more and more organizational.

  • sir82

    Yeah, their tenuous scriptural basis for that one is "presiding over his household in a fine manner".

    Actually, if you buy into all the JW nonsense, for an elder, I think you'd want to have someone who at least bothered to do what everyone is supposed to do.

    I've known far too many elders who are enamored of the title & the "privileges" & who don't give a rat's @$$ about doing any actual work or helping the congregation.

  • confusedandalone

    About 2 years or so ago we had a c.o. who held up 2 appountments. One because none of us knew for sure if he had a regular family study.

    The other because he had not placed a book in service in over 6 months...

  • hoser

    This is a good thing. The more unattainable pharisaic rules they have, less and less men will qualify for positions of oversight and the org will suffer.

  • minimus

    Amazing that they just keep heaping more rules on the sheeple.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    That not really a new recommendation. They always wanted those who could be elder's to have a family study. They just use a new term for it. Family worship night. Sounds for much better that having a family study. After all that is why they stop the Monday/Tuesday night book studies so now a family can have a night to delve deeper in the cult teaching. LOL Still Totally ADD

  • OnTheWayOut

    One of two things will happen-

    1. Many MS's will simply say no. It's happening already.

    2. Those that really want to be elders will have some sort of half-assed family study for awhile and answer that they are having a meaningful one. They will let it die off after their appointment.

    So really, NOTHING NEW!!!

  • gingerbread

    Family studies are almost always started with good intentions and are used to underline the upcoming Watchtower study article. Those of us who raised little ones in this religion might remember reading from the Bible Stories book - and that counted as 1 hour of study on the ol' time slip.

    Most often an ongoing weekly family study ends within a month - in my experience and from observation.

    Elders (these guys are rarely 'shepherds') keep track of publishers by looking at 1) their meeting attendance and 2) their monthly service report.


  • Finkelstein

    Serving Jehovah is sounding more and more and more organizational.

    Serving Jehovah has nothing to do with reading or distributing the Watchtower's literature.

    A matter a fact it angers him due its commercialized adulterated lies and deceit.

    The Watchtower Corporation is a fraud and will always be a fraud.


    No matter how many times the WTS. ask are you showing devotion to Jehovah by distributing the WTS.

    literature in service work.

  • Vidiot


    If there wasn't brain-drain on "qualified brothers" before, there sure will be now.

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