RELIGIOUS LEADERS sometimes predict tragic worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers. Doomsday prophet Harold Camping and his disciples widely advertised that the earth would be destroyed in 2011. Needless to say, the world is still here.
Alrighty, the difference is:
1. Watchtower's Governing Body is not "Religious leaders" but is a group "taking the lead."
2. Watchtower's Governing Body is not predicting, but makes the same claim those others make- that God has let them know in some way, but since all those others are fakes, it is really "predicting" when others say it.
3. Watchtower's warning is not to gather members, despite their history of benefiting in such a way before. Only fakers are doing the warning to gain followers. Watchtower does it for the same reason others claim- that God told them to do it, but they really mean it.
4. Watchtower has spent considerable time telling us how, despite how it looks exactly the same as it did with Harold Camping, they never "said" the earth (or the people on it) would be destroyed by certain times. They only intimated that it was sort of maybe possibly highly likely.