This is in the My Book of Bible Stories, Story 113.
This is a MASSIVE FAIL!! Anyone know wny??
(Let's see if someone follows me here... counting on you, Paul (JWFacts)!!)
by ILoveTTATT 23 Replies latest jw friends
This is in the My Book of Bible Stories, Story 113.
This is a MASSIVE FAIL!! Anyone know wny??
(Let's see if someone follows me here... counting on you, Paul (JWFacts)!!)
I'm trying to read that, but doesn't make sense...the letters look like I(yiota) then Y(ipsilon) then X(he) and then Y(ipsilon). So if we join them is IYXY, doesn't mean anything, unless they were trying to write the tetragram in the Hellenic, which again is ΓΧΒΧ....well with the WT you can tell anyway...
Nope... it's not that.
Try again ;)
IYXY an ancient abbreviation of “Jesus Christ”
For Christ is not written like that: is Ιησους Χριστος Θεου Υιος Σωτηρ, so the initials are ΙΧΘΥΣ
He is writing in Hebrew when it should be Greek.
Let me give you a clue: Anachronism
Skinnedhship the writting language is correct
The picture is intended to depict the Apostle Paul dictating to his amanuensis.
No one would have used nomina sacra in manuscripts of the mid-first century A.D. (the original manuscripts) ...
Here codex Vaticanus Scan Matthew 1:1 IYXY